Difference between revisions of "Form:Resource"

From The Embassy of Good Science
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     <div class="sfFieldLabel col-sm-12">{{#tip-text:{{int:EGS Related To Research Area}}|{{int:EGS Related To Research Area Desc}}}}</div>
     <div class="sfFieldLabel col-sm-12">{{#tip-text:{{int:EGS Related To Research Area}}|{{int:EGS Related To Research Area Desc}}}}</div>
     <div class="sfFieldContent col-sm-12">{{{field|Related To Research Area|property=Related To Research Area|input type=tokens|delimiter=;|values=SH - Social Sciences and Humanities;SH 01 - Individuals,Institutions and Markets;SH 01.01 - Macroeconomics;SH 01.02 - Development, economic growth;SH 01.03 - Microeconomics, behavioural economics;SH 01.04 - Marketing;SH 01.05 - Political economy, institutional economics, law and economics;SH 01.06 - Econometrics, statistical methods;SH 01.07 - Financial markets, asset prices, international finance;SH 01.08 - Banking, corporate finance, accounting;SH 01.09 - Competitiveness, innovation, research and development;SH 01.10 - Organization studies: theory & strategy, industrial organization;SH 01.11 - Labour economics, income distribution and poverty;SH 01.12 - Public economics;SH 01.13 - International trade;SH 01.14 - History of economic thought and quantitative economic history;SH 02 - Institutions, Values, Beliefs and Behaviour;SH 02.01 - Social structure, inequalities, social mobility, interethnic relations;SH 02.02 - Social policies, work and welfare;SH 02.03 - Kinship, cultural dimensions of classification and cognition, identity, gender;SH 02.04 - Myth, ritual, symbolic representations, religious studies;SH 02.05 - Democratization, social movements;SH 02.06 - Violence, conflict and conflict resolution;SH 02.07 - Political systems and institutions, governance;SH 02.08 - Legal studies, constitutions, comparative law, human rights;SH 02.09 - Global and transnational governance, international studies;SH 02.10 - Communication networks, media, information society;SH 02.11 - Social studies of science and technology;SH 03 - Environment, Space and Population;SH 03.01 - Environment, resources and sustainability;SH 03.02 - Environmental change and society;SH 03.03 - Environmental regulations and climate negotiations ;SH 03.04 - Social and industrial ecology;SH 03.05 - Population dynamics, aging, health and society;SH 03.06 - Households, family and fertility;SH 03.07 - Migration;SH 03.08 - Mobility, tourism, transportation and logistics;SH 03.09 - Spatial development and architecture, land use, regional planning;SH 03.10 - Urban studies, regional studies;SH 03.11 - Social geography, infrastructure,;SH 03.12 - Geo-information and spatial data analysis;SH 04 - The Human Mind and Its Complexity;SH 04.01 - Evolution of mind and cognitive functions, animal communication;SH 04.02 - Human life-span development;SH 04.03 - Neuropsychology;SH 04.04 - Cognitive and experimental psychology: perception, action, and higher cognitive processes;SH 04.05 - Social and clinical psychology;SH 04.06 - Linguistics: formal, cognitive, functional and computational linguistics;SH 04.07 - Linguistics: typological, historical and comparative linguistics;SH 04.08 - Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics: acquisition and knowledge of language,language pathologies;SH 04.09 - Use of language: pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, second language teaching and learning, lexicography, terminology;SH 04.10 - Philosophy of mind, epistemology and logic;SH 04.11 - Education: systems and institutions, teaching and learning;SH 05 - Cultures and Cultural Production;SH 05.01 - Classics, ancient Greek and Latin literature and art;SH 05.02 - History of literature;SH 05.03 - Literary theory and comparative literature, literary styles;SH 05.04 - Textual philology, palaeography and epigraphy;SH 05.05 - Visual arts, performing arts, design;SH 05.06 - Philosophy, history of philosophy;SH 05.07 - Museums and exhibitions;SH 05.08 - Music and musicology, history of music;SH 05.09 - History of art and architecture;SH 05.10 - Cultural studies, cultural diversity;SH 05.11 - Cultural heritage, cultural memory;SH 06 - The Study of the Human Past;SH 06.01 - Archaeology, archaeometry, landscape archaeology;SH 06.02 - Prehistory and protohistory;SH 06.03 - Ancient history;SH 06.04 - Medieval history;SH 06.05 - Early modern history;SH 06.06 - Modern and contemporary history;SH 06.07 - Colonial and post-colonial history, global and transnational history, entangled histories;SH 06.08 - Social and economic history;SH 06.09 - Gender history;SH 06.10 - History of ideas, intellectual history, history of sciences and techniques;SH 06.11 - Cultural history, history of collective identities and memories;SH 06.12 - Historiography, theory and methods of history;PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering;PE 01 - Mathematics;PE 01.01 - Logic and foundations;PE 01.02 - Algebra;PE 01.03 - Number theory;PE 01.04 - Algebraic and complex geometry;PE 01.05 - Geometry;PE 01.06 - Topology;PE 01.07 - Lie groups, Lie algebras;PE 01.08 - Analysis;PE 01.09 - Operator algebras and functional analysis;PE 01.10 - ODE and dynamical systems;PE 01.11 - Theoretical aspects of partial differential equations;PE 01.12 - Mathematical physics;PE 01.13 - Probability;PE 01.14 - Statistics;PE 01.15 - Discrete mathematics and combinatorics;PE 01.16 - Mathematical aspects of computer science;PE 01.17 - Numerical analysis;PE 01.18 - Scientific computing and data processing;PE 01.19 - Control theory and optimization;PE 01.20 - Application of mathematics in sciences;PE 01.21 - Application of mathematics in industry and society;PE 02 - Fundamental Constituents of Matter;PE 02.01 - Fundamental interactions and fields;PE 02.02 - Particle physics;PE 02.03 - Nuclear physics;PE 02.04 - Nuclear astrophysics;PE 02.05 - Gas and plasma physics;PE 02.06 - Electromagnetism;PE 02.07 - Atomic, molecular physics;PE 02.08 - Ultra-cold atoms and molecules;PE 02.09 - Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics;PE 02.10 - Quantum optics and quantum information;PE 02.11 - Lasers, ultra-short lasers and laser physics;PE 02.12 - Acoustics;PE 02.13 - Relativity;PE 02.14 - Thermodynamics;PE 02.15 - Non-linear physics;PE 02.16 - General physics;PE 02.17 - Metrology and measurement;PE 02.18 - Statistical physics (gases);PE 03 - Condensed Matter Physics;PE 03.01 - Structure of solids and liquids;PE 03.02 - Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter, Lattice dynamics;PE 03.03 - Transport properties of condensed matter;PE 03.04 - Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures…;PE 03.05 - Semiconductors and insulators: material growth, physical properties;PE 03.06 - Macroscopic quantum phenomena: superconductivity, superfluidity…;PE 03.07 - Spintronics;PE 03.08 - Magnetism and strongly correlated systems;PE 03.09 - Condensed matter – beam interactions (photons, electrons…);PE 03.10 - Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism,nanoelectromechanics…;PE 03.11 - Mesoscopic physics;PE 03.12 - Molecular electronics;PE 03.13 - Structure and dynamics of disordered systems: soft matter (gels, colloids, liquid crystals…), glasses, defects…;PE 03.14 - Fluid dynamics (physics);PE 03.15 - Statistical physics: phase transitions, noise and fluctuations, models of complex systems…;PE 03.16 - Physics of biological systems;PE 04 - Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences;PE 04.01 - Physical chemistry;PE 04.02 - Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques;PE 04.03 - Molecular architecture and Structure;PE 04.04 - Surface science and nanostructures;PE 04.05 - Analytical chemistry;PE 04.06 - Chemical physics;PE 04.07 - Chemical instrumentation;PE 04.08 - Electrochemistry, electrodialysis, microfluidics, sensors;PE 04.09 - Method development in chemistry;PE 04.10 - Heterogeneous catalysis;PE 04.11 - Physical chemistry of biological systems;PE 04.12 - Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactions;PE 04.13 - Theoretical and computational chemistry;PE 04.14 - Radiation and Nuclear chemistry;PE 04.15 - Photochemistry;PE 04.16 - Corrosion;PE 04.17 - Characterization methods of materials;PE 04.18 - Environment chemistry;PE 05 - Synthetic Chemistry and Materials;PE 05.01 - Structural properties of materials;PE 05.02 - Solid state materials;PE 05.03 - Surface modification;PE 05.04 - Thin films;PE 05.05 - Ionic liquids;PE 05.06 - New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles;PE 05.07 - Biomaterials synthesis;PE 05.08 - Intelligent materials – self assembled materials;PE 05.09 - Coordination chemistry;PE 05.10 - Colloid chemistry;PE 05.11 - Biological chemistry;PE 05.12 - Chemistry of condensed matter;PE 05.13 - Homogeneous catalysis;PE 05.14 - Macromolecular chemistry;PE 05.15 - Polymer chemistry;PE 05.16 - Supramolecular chemistry;PE 05.17 - Organic chemistry;PE 05.18 - Molecular chemistry;PE 05.19 - Combinatorial chemistry;PE 06 - Computer Science and Informatics;PE 06.01 - Computer architecture, pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing;PE 06.02 - Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems;PE 06.03 - Software engineering, operating systems, computer languages;PE 06.04 - Theoretical computer science, formal methods, and quantum computing;PE 06.05 - Cryptology, security, privacy, quantum crypto;PE 06.06 - Algorithms, distributed, parallel and network algorithms, algorithmic game theory;PE 06.07 - Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems;PE 06.08 - Computer graphics, computer vision, multi media, computer games;PE 06.09 - Human computer interaction and interface, visualization and natural language processing;PE 06.10 - Web and information systems, database systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion;PE 06.11 - Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video);PE 06.12 - Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools;PE 06.13 - Bioinformatics, biocomputing, and DNA and molecular computation;PE 07 - Systems and Communication Engineering;PE 07.01 - Control engineering;PE 07.02 - Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, systems;PE 07.03 - Simulation engineering and modelling;PE 07.04 - Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation;PE 07.05 - Micro- and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics;PE 07.06 - Communication technology, high-frequency technology;PE 07.07 - Signal processing;PE 07.08 - Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, networks of robots...);PE 07.09 - Man-machine-interfaces;PE 07.10 - Robotics;PE 08 - Products and Processes Engineering;PE 08.01 - Aerospace engineering;PE 08.02 - Chemical engineering, technical chemistry;PE 08.03 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment;PE 08.04 - Computational engineering;PE 08.05 - Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines;PE 08.06 - Energy systems (production, distribution, application);PE 08.07 - Micro (system) engineering;PE 08.08 - Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation);PE 08.09 - Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites…);PE 08.10 - Production technology, process engineering;PE 08.11 - Industrial design (product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces…);PE 08.12 - Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design);PE 08.13 - Lightweight construction, textile technology;PE 08.14 - Industrial bioengineering;PE 08.15 - Industrial biofuel production;PE 08.16 - Architectural engineering;PE 09 - Universe Sciences;PE 09.01 - Solar and interplanetary physics;PE 09.02 - Planetary systems sciences;PE 09.03 - Interstellar medium;PE 09.04 - Formation of stars and planets;PE 09.05 - Astrobiology;PE 09.06 - Stars and stellar systems;PE 09.07 - The Galaxy;PE 09.08 - Formation and evolution of galaxies;PE 09.09 - Clusters of galaxies and large scale structures;PE 09.10 - High energy and particles astronomy – X-rays, cosmic rays, gamma rays, neutrinos;PE 09.11 - Relativistic astrophysics;PE 09.12 - Dark matter, dark energy;PE 09.13 - Gravitational astronomy;PE 09.14 - Cosmology;PE 09.15 - Space Sciences;PE 09.16 - Very large data bases: archiving, handling and analysis;PE 09.17 - Instrumentation - telescopes, detectors and techniques;PE 10 - Earth System Science;PE 10.01 - Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric composition, air pollution;PE 10.02 - Meteorology, atmospheric physics and dynamics;PE 10.03 - Climatology and climate change;PE 10.04 - Terrestrial ecology, land cover change;PE 10.05 - Geology, tectonics, volcanology ;PE 10.06 - Paleoclimatology, paleoecology;PE 10.07 - Physics of earth’s interior, seismology, volcanology;PE 10.08 - Oceanography (physical, chemical, biological, geological);PE 10.09 - Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, environmental chemistry;PE 10.10 - Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology;PE 10.11 - Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics;PE 10.12 - Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution;PE 10.13 - Physical geography;PE 10.14 - Earth observations from space/remote sensing;PE 10.15 - Geomagnetism, paleomagnetism;PE 10.16 - Ozone, upper atmosphere, ionosphere;PE 10.17 - Hydrology, water and soil pollution;PE 10.18 - Cryosphere, dynamics of snow and ice cover, sea ice, permafrosts and ice sheets;LS - Life Sciences;LS 01 - Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry;LS 01.01 - Molecular interactions;LS 01.02 - General biochemistry and metabolism;LS 01.03 - DNA synthesis, modification, repair, recombination and degradation;LS 01.04 - RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation;LS 01.05 - Protein synthesis, modification and turnover;LS 01.06 - Lipid synthesis, modification and turnover;LS 01.07 - Carbohydrate synthesis, modification and turnover;LS 01.08 - Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence);LS 01.09 - Structural biology (crystallography and EM);LS 01.10 - Structural biology (NMR);LS 01.11 - Biochemistry and molecular mechanisms of signal transduction;LS 02 - Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology;LS 02.01 - Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics;LS 02.02 - Transcriptomics;LS 02.03 - Proteomics;LS 02.04 - Metabolomics;LS 02.05 - Glycomics;LS 02.06 - Molecular genetics, reverse genetics and RNAi;LS 02.07 - Quantitative genetics;LS 02.08 - Epigenetics and gene regulation;LS 02.09 - Genetic epidemiology;LS 02.10 - Bioinformatics;LS 02.11 - Computational biology;LS 02.12 - Biostatistics;LS 02.13 - Systems biology;LS 02.14 - Biological systems analysis, modelling and simulation;LS 03 - Cellular and Developmental Biology;LS 03.01 - Morphology and functional imaging of cells;LS 03.02 - Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms;LS 03.03 - Cell cycle and division;LS 03.04 - Apoptosis;LS 03.05 - Cell differentiation, physiology and dynamics;LS 03.06 - Organelle biology;LS 03.07 - Cell signalling and cellular interactions;LS 03.08 - Signal transduction;LS 03.09 - Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in animals;LS 03.10 - Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in plants;LS 03.11 - Cell genetics;LS 03.12 - Stem cell biology;LS 04 - Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology;LS 04.01 - Organ physiology and pathophysiology;LS 04.02 - Comparative physiology and pathophysiology;LS 04.03 - Endocrinology;LS 04.04 - Ageing;LS 04.05 - Metabolism, biological basis of metabolism related disorders;LS 04.06 - Cancer and its biological basis;LS 04.07 - Cardiovascular diseases;LS 04.08 - Non-communicable diseases (except for neural/psychiatric, immunity-related, metabolism-related disorders, cancer and cardiovascular diseases);LS 05 - Neurosciences and Neural Disorders;LS 05.01 - Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology;LS 05.02 - Molecular and cellular neuroscience;LS 05.03 - Neurochemistry and neuropharmacology;LS 05.04 - Sensory systems (e.g. visual system, auditory system);LS 05.05 - Mechanisms of pain;LS 05.06 - Developmental neurobiology;LS 05.07 - Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech);LS 05.08 - Behavioural neuroscience (e.g. sleep, consciousness, handedness);LS 05.09 - Systems neuroscience;LS 05.10 - Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience;LS 05.11 - Neurological disorders (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease);LS 05.12 - Psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity  disorder);LS 06 - Immunity and Infection;LS 06.01 - Innate immunity and inflammation;LS 06.02 - Adaptive immunity;LS 06.03 - Phagocytosis and cellular immunity;LS 06.04 - Immunosignalling;LS 06.05 - Immunological memory and tolerance;LS 06.06 - Immunogenetics;LS 06.07 - Microbiology;LS 06.08 - Virology;LS 06.09 - Bacteriology;LS 06.10 - Parasitology;LS 06.11 - Prevention and treatment of infection by pathogens (e.g. vaccination, antibiotics,fungicide);LS 06.12 - Biological basis of immunity related disorders (e.g. autoimmunity);LS 06.13 - Veterinary medicine and infectious diseases in animals;LS 07 - Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health;LS 07.01 - Medical engineering and technology;LS 07.02 - Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging);LS 07.03 - Pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery and design, drug therapy;LS 07.04 - Analgesia and Surgery;LS 07.05 - Toxicology;LS 07.06 - Gene therapy, cell therapy, regenerative medicine;LS 07.07 - Radiation therapy;LS 07.08 - Health services, health care research;LS 07.09 - Public health and epidemiology;LS 07.10 - Environment and health risks, occupational medicine;LS 07.11 - Medical ethics;LS 08 - Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology;LS 08.01 - Ecology (theoretical and experimental; population, species and community level);LS 08.02 - Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics;LS 08.03 - Systems evolution, biological adaptation, phylogenetics, systematics, comparative biology;LS 08.04 - Biodiversity, conservation biology, conservation genetics, invasion biology;LS 08.05 - Evolutionary biology: evolutionary ecology and genetics, co-evolution;LS 08.06 - Biogeography, macro-ecology;LS 08.07 - Animal behaviour;LS 08.08 - Environmental and marine biology;LS 08.09 - Environmental toxicology at the population and ecosystems level;LS 08.10 - Microbial ecology and evolution;LS 08.11 - Species interactions (e.g. food-webs, symbiosis, parasitism, mutualism);LS 09 - Applied life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology;LS 09.01 - Applied genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, recombinant proteins,biosensors;LS 09.02 - Synthetic biology, chemical biology and new bio-engineering concepts;LS 09.03 - Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising;LS 09.04 - Aquaculture, fisheries;LS 09.05 - Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology;LS 09.06 - Food sciences;LS 09.07 - Forestry, biomass production (e.g. for biofuels);LS 09.08 - Environmental biotechnology, bioremediation, biodegradation;LS 09.09 - Applied biotechnology (non-medical), bioreactors, applied microbiology;LS 09.10 - Biomimetics;LS 09.11 - Biohazards, biological containment, biosafety, biosecurity|list}}}</div>
     <div class="sfFieldContent col-sm-12">{{{field|Related To Research Area|property=Related To Research Area|input type=tokens|delimiter=;|values=SH - Social Sciences and Humanities;SH 01 - Individuals,Institutions and Markets;SH 01.01 - Macroeconomics;SH 01.02 - Development, economic growth;SH 01.03 - Microeconomics, behavioural economics;SH 01.04 - Marketing;SH 01.05 - Political economy, institutional economics, law and economics;SH 01.06 - Econometrics, statistical methods;SH 01.07 - Financial markets, asset prices, international finance;SH 01.08 - Banking, corporate finance, accounting;SH 01.09 - Competitiveness, innovation, research and development;SH 01.10 - Organization studies: theory & strategy, industrial organization;SH 01.11 - Labour economics, income distribution and poverty;SH 01.12 - Public economics;SH 01.13 - International trade;SH 01.14 - History of economic thought and quantitative economic history;SH 02 - Institutions, Values, Beliefs and Behaviour;SH 02.01 - Social structure, inequalities, social mobility, interethnic relations;SH 02.02 - Social policies, work and welfare;SH 02.03 - Kinship, cultural dimensions of classification and cognition, identity, gender;SH 02.04 - Myth, ritual, symbolic representations, religious studies;SH 02.05 - Democratization, social movements;SH 02.06 - Violence, conflict and conflict resolution;SH 02.07 - Political systems and institutions, governance;SH 02.08 - Legal studies, constitutions, comparative law, human rights;SH 02.09 - Global and transnational governance, international studies;SH 02.10 - Communication networks, media, information society;SH 02.11 - Social studies of science and technology;SH 03 - Environment, Space and Population;SH 03.01 - Environment, resources and sustainability;SH 03.02 - Environmental change and society;SH 03.03 - Environmental regulations and climate negotiations ;SH 03.04 - Social and industrial ecology;SH 03.05 - Population dynamics, aging, health and society;SH 03.06 - Households, family and fertility;SH 03.07 - Migration;SH 03.08 - Mobility, tourism, transportation and logistics;SH 03.09 - Spatial development and architecture, land use, regional planning;SH 03.10 - Urban studies, regional studies;SH 03.11 - Social geography, infrastructure,;SH 03.12 - Geo-information and spatial data analysis;SH 04 - The Human Mind and Its Complexity;SH 04.01 - Evolution of mind and cognitive functions, animal communication;SH 04.02 - Human life-span development;SH 04.03 - Neuropsychology;SH 04.04 - Cognitive and experimental psychology: perception, action, and higher cognitive processes;SH 04.05 - Social and clinical psychology;SH 04.06 - Linguistics: formal, cognitive, functional and computational linguistics;SH 04.07 - Linguistics: typological, historical and comparative linguistics;SH 04.08 - Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics: acquisition and knowledge of language,language pathologies;SH 04.09 - Use of language: pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, second language teaching and learning, lexicography, terminology;SH 04.10 - Philosophy of mind, epistemology and logic;SH 04.11 - Education: systems and institutions, teaching and learning;SH 05 - Cultures and Cultural Production;SH 05.01 - Classics, ancient Greek and Latin literature and art;SH 05.02 - History of literature;SH 05.03 - Literary theory and comparative literature, literary styles;SH 05.04 - Textual philology, palaeography and epigraphy;SH 05.05 - Visual arts, performing arts, design;SH 05.06 - Philosophy, history of philosophy;SH 05.07 - Museums and exhibitions;SH 05.08 - Music and musicology, history of music;SH 05.09 - History of art and architecture;SH 05.10 - Cultural studies, cultural diversity;SH 05.11 - Cultural heritage, cultural memory;SH 06 - The Study of the Human Past;SH 06.01 - Archaeology, archaeometry, landscape archaeology;SH 06.02 - Prehistory and protohistory;SH 06.03 - Ancient history;SH 06.04 - Medieval history;SH 06.05 - Early modern history;SH 06.06 - Modern and contemporary history;SH 06.07 - Colonial and post-colonial history, global and transnational history, entangled histories;SH 06.08 - Social and economic history;SH 06.09 - Gender history;SH 06.10 - History of ideas, intellectual history, history of sciences and techniques;SH 06.11 - Cultural history, history of collective identities and memories;SH 06.12 - Historiography, theory and methods of history;PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering;PE 01 - Mathematics;PE 01.01 - Logic and foundations;PE 01.02 - Algebra;PE 01.03 - Number theory;PE 01.04 - Algebraic and complex geometry;PE 01.05 - Geometry;PE 01.06 - Topology;PE 01.07 - Lie groups, Lie algebras;PE 01.08 - Analysis;PE 01.09 - Operator algebras and functional analysis;PE 01.10 - ODE and dynamical systems;PE 01.11 - Theoretical aspects of partial differential equations;PE 01.12 - Mathematical physics;PE 01.13 - Probability;PE 01.14 - Statistics;PE 01.15 - Discrete mathematics and combinatorics;PE 01.16 - Mathematical aspects of computer science;PE 01.17 - Numerical analysis;PE 01.18 - Scientific computing and data processing;PE 01.19 - Control theory and optimization;PE 01.20 - Application of mathematics in sciences;PE 01.21 - Application of mathematics in industry and society;PE 02 - Fundamental Constituents of Matter;PE 02.01 - Fundamental interactions and fields;PE 02.02 - Particle physics;PE 02.03 - Nuclear physics;PE 02.04 - Nuclear astrophysics;PE 02.05 - Gas and plasma physics;PE 02.06 - Electromagnetism;PE 02.07 - Atomic, molecular physics;PE 02.08 - Ultra-cold atoms and molecules;PE 02.09 - Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics;PE 02.10 - Quantum optics and quantum information;PE 02.11 - Lasers, ultra-short lasers and laser physics;PE 02.12 - Acoustics;PE 02.13 - Relativity;PE 02.14 - Thermodynamics;PE 02.15 - Non-linear physics;PE 02.16 - General physics;PE 02.17 - Metrology and measurement;PE 02.18 - Statistical physics (gases);PE 03 - Condensed Matter Physics;PE 03.01 - Structure of solids and liquids;PE 03.02 - Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter, Lattice dynamics;PE 03.03 - Transport properties of condensed matter;PE 03.04 - Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures…;PE 03.05 - Semiconductors and insulators: material growth, physical properties;PE 03.06 - Macroscopic quantum phenomena: superconductivity, superfluidity…;PE 03.07 - Spintronics;PE 03.08 - Magnetism and strongly correlated systems;PE 03.09 - Condensed matter – beam interactions (photons, electrons…);PE 03.10 - Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism,nanoelectromechanics…;PE 03.11 - Mesoscopic physics;PE 03.12 - Molecular electronics;PE 03.13 - Structure and dynamics of disordered systems: soft matter (gels, colloids, liquid crystals…), glasses, defects…;PE 03.14 - Fluid dynamics (physics);PE 03.15 - Statistical physics: phase transitions, noise and fluctuations, models of complex systems…;PE 03.16 - Physics of biological systems;PE 04 - Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences;PE 04.01 - Physical chemistry;PE 04.02 - Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques;PE 04.03 - Molecular architecture and Structure;PE 04.04 - Surface science and nanostructures;PE 04.05 - Analytical chemistry;PE 04.06 - Chemical physics;PE 04.07 - Chemical instrumentation;PE 04.08 - Electrochemistry, electrodialysis, microfluidics, sensors;PE 04.09 - Method development in chemistry;PE 04.10 - Heterogeneous catalysis;PE 04.11 - Physical chemistry of biological systems;PE 04.12 - Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactions;PE 04.13 - Theoretical and computational chemistry;PE 04.14 - Radiation and Nuclear chemistry;PE 04.15 - Photochemistry;PE 04.16 - Corrosion;PE 04.17 - Characterization methods of materials;PE 04.18 - Environment chemistry;PE 05 - Synthetic Chemistry and Materials;PE 05.01 - Structural properties of materials;PE 05.02 - Solid state materials;PE 05.03 - Surface modification;PE 05.04 - Thin films;PE 05.05 - Ionic liquids;PE 05.06 - New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles;PE 05.07 - Biomaterials synthesis;PE 05.08 - Intelligent materials – self assembled materials;PE 05.09 - Coordination chemistry;PE 05.10 - Colloid chemistry;PE 05.11 - Biological chemistry;PE 05.12 - Chemistry of condensed matter;PE 05.13 - Homogeneous catalysis;PE 05.14 - Macromolecular chemistry;PE 05.15 - Polymer chemistry;PE 05.16 - Supramolecular chemistry;PE 05.17 - Organic chemistry;PE 05.18 - Molecular chemistry;PE 05.19 - Combinatorial chemistry;PE 06 - Computer Science and Informatics;PE 06.01 - Computer architecture, pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing;PE 06.02 - Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems;PE 06.03 - Software engineering, operating systems, computer languages;PE 06.04 - Theoretical computer science, formal methods, and quantum computing;PE 06.05 - Cryptology, security, privacy, quantum crypto;PE 06.06 - Algorithms, distributed, parallel and network algorithms, algorithmic game theory;PE 06.07 - Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems;PE 06.08 - Computer graphics, computer vision, multi media, computer games;PE 06.09 - Human computer interaction and interface, visualization and natural language processing;PE 06.10 - Web and information systems, database systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion;PE 06.11 - Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video);PE 06.12 - Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools;PE 06.13 - Bioinformatics, biocomputing, and DNA and molecular computation;PE 07 - Systems and Communication Engineering;PE 07.01 - Control engineering;PE 07.02 - Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, systems;PE 07.03 - Simulation engineering and modelling;PE 07.04 - Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation;PE 07.05 - Micro- and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics;PE 07.06 - Communication technology, high-frequency technology;PE 07.07 - Signal processing;PE 07.08 - Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, networks of robots...);PE 07.09 - Man-machine-interfaces;PE 07.10 - Robotics;PE 08 - Products and Processes Engineering;PE 08.01 - Aerospace engineering;PE 08.02 - Chemical engineering, technical chemistry;PE 08.03 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment;PE 08.04 - Computational engineering;PE 08.05 - Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines;PE 08.06 - Energy systems (production, distribution, application);PE 08.07 - Micro (system) engineering;PE 08.08 - Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation);PE 08.09 - Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites…);PE 08.10 - Production technology, process engineering;PE 08.11 - Industrial design (product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces…);PE 08.12 - Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design);PE 08.13 - Lightweight construction, textile technology;PE 08.14 - Industrial bioengineering;PE 08.15 - Industrial biofuel production;PE 08.16 - Architectural engineering;PE 09 - Universe Sciences;PE 09.01 - Solar and interplanetary physics;PE 09.02 - Planetary systems sciences;PE 09.03 - Interstellar medium;PE 09.04 - Formation of stars and planets;PE 09.05 - Astrobiology;PE 09.06 - Stars and stellar systems;PE 09.07 - The Galaxy;PE 09.08 - Formation and evolution of galaxies;PE 09.09 - Clusters of galaxies and large scale structures;PE 09.10 - High energy and particles astronomy – X-rays, cosmic rays, gamma rays, neutrinos;PE 09.11 - Relativistic astrophysics;PE 09.12 - Dark matter, dark energy;PE 09.13 - Gravitational astronomy;PE 09.14 - Cosmology;PE 09.15 - Space Sciences;PE 09.16 - Very large data bases: archiving, handling and analysis;PE 09.17 - Instrumentation - telescopes, detectors and techniques;PE 10 - Earth System Science;PE 10.01 - Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric composition, air pollution;PE 10.02 - Meteorology, atmospheric physics and dynamics;PE 10.03 - Climatology and climate change;PE 10.04 - Terrestrial ecology, land cover change;PE 10.05 - Geology, tectonics, volcanology ;PE 10.06 - Paleoclimatology, paleoecology;PE 10.07 - Physics of earth’s interior, seismology, volcanology;PE 10.08 - Oceanography (physical, chemical, biological, geological);PE 10.09 - Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, environmental chemistry;PE 10.10 - Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology;PE 10.11 - Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics;PE 10.12 - Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution;PE 10.13 - Physical geography;PE 10.14 - Earth observations from space/remote sensing;PE 10.15 - Geomagnetism, paleomagnetism;PE 10.16 - Ozone, upper atmosphere, ionosphere;PE 10.17 - Hydrology, water and soil pollution;PE 10.18 - Cryosphere, dynamics of snow and ice cover, sea ice, permafrosts and ice sheets;LS - Life Sciences;LS 01 - Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry;LS 01.01 - Molecular interactions;LS 01.02 - General biochemistry and metabolism;LS 01.03 - DNA synthesis, modification, repair, recombination and degradation;LS 01.04 - RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation;LS 01.05 - Protein synthesis, modification and turnover;LS 01.06 - Lipid synthesis, modification and turnover;LS 01.07 - Carbohydrate synthesis, modification and turnover;LS 01.08 - Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence);LS 01.09 - Structural biology (crystallography and EM);LS 01.10 - Structural biology (NMR);LS 01.11 - Biochemistry and molecular mechanisms of signal transduction;LS 02 - Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology;LS 02.01 - Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics;LS 02.02 - Transcriptomics;LS 02.03 - Proteomics;LS 02.04 - Metabolomics;LS 02.05 - Glycomics;LS 02.06 - Molecular genetics, reverse genetics and RNAi;LS 02.07 - Quantitative genetics;LS 02.08 - Epigenetics and gene regulation;LS 02.09 - Genetic epidemiology;LS 02.10 - Bioinformatics;LS 02.11 - Computational biology;LS 02.12 - Biostatistics;LS 02.13 - Systems biology;LS 02.14 - Biological systems analysis, modelling and simulation;LS 03 - Cellular and Developmental Biology;LS 03.01 - Morphology and functional imaging of cells;LS 03.02 - Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms;LS 03.03 - Cell cycle and division;LS 03.04 - Apoptosis;LS 03.05 - Cell differentiation, physiology and dynamics;LS 03.06 - Organelle biology;LS 03.07 - Cell signalling and cellular interactions;LS 03.08 - Signal transduction;LS 03.09 - Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in animals;LS 03.10 - Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in plants;LS 03.11 - Cell genetics;LS 03.12 - Stem cell biology;LS 04 - Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology;LS 04.01 - Organ physiology and pathophysiology;LS 04.02 - Comparative physiology and pathophysiology;LS 04.03 - Endocrinology;LS 04.04 - Ageing;LS 04.05 - Metabolism, biological basis of metabolism related disorders;LS 04.06 - Cancer and its biological basis;LS 04.07 - Cardiovascular diseases;LS 04.08 - Non-communicable diseases (except for neural/psychiatric, immunity-related, metabolism-related disorders, cancer and cardiovascular diseases);LS 05 - Neurosciences and Neural Disorders;LS 05.01 - Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology;LS 05.02 - Molecular and cellular neuroscience;LS 05.03 - Neurochemistry and neuropharmacology;LS 05.04 - Sensory systems (e.g. visual system, auditory system);LS 05.05 - Mechanisms of pain;LS 05.06 - Developmental neurobiology;LS 05.07 - Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech);LS 05.08 - Behavioural neuroscience (e.g. sleep, consciousness, handedness);LS 05.09 - Systems neuroscience;LS 05.10 - Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience;LS 05.11 - Neurological disorders (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease);LS 05.12 - Psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity  disorder);LS 06 - Immunity and Infection;LS 06.01 - Innate immunity and inflammation;LS 06.02 - Adaptive immunity;LS 06.03 - Phagocytosis and cellular immunity;LS 06.04 - Immunosignalling;LS 06.05 - Immunological memory and tolerance;LS 06.06 - Immunogenetics;LS 06.07 - Microbiology;LS 06.08 - Virology;LS 06.09 - Bacteriology;LS 06.10 - Parasitology;LS 06.11 - Prevention and treatment of infection by pathogens (e.g. vaccination, antibiotics,fungicide);LS 06.12 - Biological basis of immunity related disorders (e.g. autoimmunity);LS 06.13 - Veterinary medicine and infectious diseases in animals;LS 07 - Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health;LS 07.01 - Medical engineering and technology;LS 07.02 - Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging);LS 07.03 - Pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery and design, drug therapy;LS 07.04 - Analgesia and Surgery;LS 07.05 - Toxicology;LS 07.06 - Gene therapy, cell therapy, regenerative medicine;LS 07.07 - Radiation therapy;LS 07.08 - Health services, health care research;LS 07.09 - Public health and epidemiology;LS 07.10 - Environment and health risks, occupational medicine;LS 07.11 - Medical ethics;LS 08 - Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology;LS 08.01 - Ecology (theoretical and experimental; population, species and community level);LS 08.02 - Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics;LS 08.03 - Systems evolution, biological adaptation, phylogenetics, systematics, comparative biology;LS 08.04 - Biodiversity, conservation biology, conservation genetics, invasion biology;LS 08.05 - Evolutionary biology: evolutionary ecology and genetics, co-evolution;LS 08.06 - Biogeography, macro-ecology;LS 08.07 - Animal behaviour;LS 08.08 - Environmental and marine biology;LS 08.09 - Environmental toxicology at the population and ecosystems level;LS 08.10 - Microbial ecology and evolution;LS 08.11 - Species interactions (e.g. food-webs, symbiosis, parasitism, mutualism);LS 09 - Applied life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology;LS 09.01 - Applied genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, recombinant proteins,biosensors;LS 09.02 - Synthetic biology, chemical biology and new bio-engineering concepts;LS 09.03 - Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising;LS 09.04 - Aquaculture, fisheries;LS 09.05 - Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology;LS 09.06 - Food sciences;LS 09.07 - Forestry, biomass production (e.g. for biofuels);LS 09.08 - Environmental biotechnology, bioremediation, biodegradation;LS 09.09 - Applied biotechnology (non-medical), bioreactors, applied microbiology;LS 09.10 - Biomimetics;LS 09.11 - Biohazards, biological containment, biosafety, biosecurity|list|existing values only}}}</div>

Revision as of 16:10, 27 May 2020

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Retraction Watch(14-3-2016)
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Research Data Alliance
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The Wiley network(2016)
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Spanish National Research Council(2018)
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National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH)(2018)
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United States Office of Research Integrity(2004)
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University of Bergen(2010)
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Senior Researcher(1998)
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McEuen, Todd-Mancillas, et al.(1990)
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Fix, Odell, Sina, Meslin, Goodman, Upshur(2013)
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Aggarval, Gupte, Kass, Taylor, Ali, Bhan(2011)
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Galipeau, Barbour, Baskin, Bell-Syer, Cobey, Cumpston, et al.(2016)
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The Alan Turing Institute(2023)
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Alan Turing Institute(2023)
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VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands Board on Research Integrity, LOWI(2018)
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University of Maryland
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Universiteit Utrecht
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American Sociological Association
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BEYOND, Rodrigues, R., & Pizzolato, D.
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Boston college
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Exploration Committee Revision Code of Conduct for Academic Practice(2016)
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, Office of Research Integrity
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Christos Damalas(9/4/2020)
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Alliance of German Science Organisations(2010)
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Lovett, Seedhouse(1990)
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United States Office of Research Integrity(2008)
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Kligyte, Marcy, Waples, Sevier, Godfrey, Mumford(2008)
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Royal Swedisch Academy of Sciences, Karolinska Institute(2010-2017)
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Elizabeth Heitman, Ruth Ellen Bulger(2005)
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American Sociological Association
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NHMRC Australia
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Australian research council(2019)
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Queensland University of Technology, OREI(2018)
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Whellan, Kraus, Kitzman, Rooney, Keteyian, Piña, et al.(2015)
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University of Utah(2015)
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The University of Chicago Press
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United States Office of Research Integrity(2015)
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(1986 - 1991)
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The Open University
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Austrian Higher Education Conference, OEAWI
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Geller, Boyce, Ford, Sugarman(2010)
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C Behan Mccullagh(2000)
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University of Oxford(2012)
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Biomedical Alliance in Europe (Biomed Alliance)(2020)
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EnTIRE, Student, Ružica Bočina(26/10/2021)
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Elliot, Stern(2013)
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Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences(2023)
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COPE, Editorial Board Member for Research Integrity & Peer Review
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Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research(2016)
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Memorial Sloan Kettering, The Rockefeller University, Weill Cornell Medicine(2018)
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Illinois Institute of Technology
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West Virginia University, CITI
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Office of Research Integrity
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NRIN, INSPIRE, Fenneke Blom
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Stanford University
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Pogue, Devereaux, Thorlund, Yusuf(2013)
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International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)(1990)
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European Commission(2018)
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Patrick Harran, Sheharbano Sangji(2011)
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Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Health, General Armament Department of Peolple's Liberation Army, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Association of Science and Technology(2009)
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Ministry of Science and Technology(2009)
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Jon Jureidini, Leemon McHenry, Peter R Mansfield(2008)
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Croatian Committee on Ethics in Science and Higher Education(2015)
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Spanish National Research Council(2011)
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COPE, Tim Albert, Elizabeth Wager(2003)
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CSIC Spain(2015)
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United States Office of Research Integrity(2004)
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American Sociological Association
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Council of Europe(1997)
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Retraction Watch(13-1-2016)
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Retraction Watch(13-10-2016)
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University of Edinburgh(2021)
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Doab foundation
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Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science(2014)
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Uddanelses og Forskningsministeriet (The Ministry of Education and Research), Denmark(2014)
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American Sociological Association
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American Sociological Association
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American Sociological Association
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American Sociological Association
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UK data service
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European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Biomedical Alliance in Europe (Biomed Alliance)(1948, 2017)
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WMA, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Biomedical Alliance in Europe (Biomed Alliance), European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association(1964 - 2013)
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Transplantation Society (TTS), International Society of Nephrology (ISN), European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association(2008)
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Boulay, Parisky, Leong(2013)
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Brummel, Gunsalus, Anderson, Loui(2010)
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Cañete, Prior, Brito, Guilhem, Novaes, Goodman(2013)
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VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands Board on Research Integrity, LOWI(2018)
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American Sociological Association
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American Sociological Association
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Princeton University Press(2015)
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Retraction Watch, Sage, Advances in Mechanical Engineering(2018)
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Diederik Stapel
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Maastricht University(2018)
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DeBruin, Scholder, Kahn, Mastroianni, Marshall, Lantos, Sugarman(2007)
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Powell, Allison, Kalichman(2007)
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American Sociological Association
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EnRRIch consortium(2017)
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Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, The Academie Royale des Sciences(2009)
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