BEYOND Trainer Guide
BEYOND Trainer Guide
The BEYOND Trainer Guide is a solid resource for educators who want to cultivate a culture of integrity and ethical behaviour in research by fostering responsible conduct of research. It provides a detailed framework that gives trainers the knowledge and practical tools they need to teach researchers the principles of responsible conduct of research. At its core, the guide provides a structured approach to delivering sessions that engage participants in discussions, activities and case studies.
These elements have been carefully crafted to stimulate deep engagement with the ethical dimensions inherent in every stage of the research process, from conception to dissemination of results, and at all career stages. Trainers are provided with tools that promote a culture of accountability and integrity and encourage researchers to uphold ethical principles not only in their research endeavours, but also in their interactions with colleagues, participants, and the broader academic community.
In essence, the guide serves as a comprehensive resource for educators seeking to equip researchers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to conduct research ethically and with integrity. By fostering critical reflection, ethical decision-making, and responsible behaviour, educators play a critical role in training the next generation of researchers who are committed to the highest ethical standards in their work.