Biobanking: a group reflection on ethical issues - using an imaginary line

From The Embassy of Good Science

Biobanking: a group reflection on ethical issues - using an imaginary line

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer

This short interactive workshop introduces some of the ethical challenges related to biobanking. Using statements, it aims to encourage reflection on ethical issues related to this technology among master students.

Session overview:

  1. Welcome 10 min
  2. Mindmap  on Biobanking 10 min
  3. Mini Lecture on Biobanking and Technology Basics       15 min
  4. Mini Lecture on Biobanking and Ethics Issues           15 min            
  5. Reflection 15 min
  6. Statements       25 min
  7. Mindmap 15 min
  8. Closing 15 min

For trainers: complete the two eneri e-learning modules on Biobanking

Biobanking: Technology Basics
Duration (hours)
For whom is this important?
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Practical Tips

  • Familiarize yourself with the irecs materials on biobanking and identify where are the videos and cases you will use for this session
  • Test all needed digital tools (digital whiteboards, etc.) and think of materials (such as tape) needed for an (imaginary) line in the room in advance.  
  • Be aware of the diverse cultural and regulatory backgrounds of the trainees in your group.
  • Share additional resources and the rest of e-modules at the end of the session.
  • Collect feedback through the evaluation form to improve future sessions.
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Welcome (10 min)

*Introduce yourself and, if you have sufficient time or a small group, the trainees.

  • Start with an ice-breaker question.  
    For example:  
    Scenario 1: Imagine you’re the owner of a biobank filled with all kind of human samples. If there wouldn’t be any ethical or legal limitations – anything is possible; what is the first thing you would do?  
    Scenario 2: Imagine you are a world leader with immense power. What would be the first step you would take to enhance the ethical standards surrounding biobanking practices?  
  • Give an overview of the learning objectives and training program

Mind map on Biobanking (10 min)

To gain insight into the current knowledge of the trainees on ethical issues in biobanking practices, let them create a mind map. This can be done individually, in duos, or in larger subgroups.  

  • Assignment: Write biobanking and ethical issues in the middle of a piece of paper and spend 5 minutes writing down associated words that come to mind.  

Discuss in plenary the words that are written on the mind maps. What surprises you if you look at other mind maps? Does anything you see raise questions for you?

Trainer tip: Encourage trainees to add words to the mind map during the training session.

Mini Lecture on Biobanking and Technology Basics (15 min)

Discuss the main concepts related to biobanking as a technology. To build your presentation you can use the content of the irecs modules, which will provide you with videos and examples and integrate those in a few PowerPoint slides.  

Slide 1: Biobanking

Example Slide 1: Biobanking
  • What Is A Biobank? Eneri – as the trainees complete this e-module, the trainer can also ask one of the trainees to explain in their own words what a biobank is.
    Key concepts: human biobanks, biological samples, health-related data,  autonomy and dignity of donors and their fundamental rights.

Slide 2: Sharing Of Biological Samples and Data

Background information about this topic can be found in the irecs e-module Sharing Of Biological Samples & Data Eneri. To interact on this topic with the trainees, the quiz from the e-module can be completed in plenary. Below you will find the questions from the quiz. The quiz can be done digitally or in the lecture room, where trainees can indicate their answers by raising their hands.

Before the trainer shows the right answer, the trainer can stimulate the conversation by asking open questions:

Can you tell me more about your choice?

No one answered option (A/B/C/D), could you explain why you didn’t choose that option?  

Example slide 2: Sharing of biological samples and data

Quiz Questions

(Retrieved from Sharing Of Biological Samples & Data Eneri)

1. What is a primary consideration when sharing biological samples between biobanks?

A. Biobank location  

B. Sample quantity

C. Sample age    

D. Regulatory compliance

2. Why is data harmonisation important when sharing data between biobanks? Select all that apply.

A. Speed of data transfer    

B. Exclusive ownership rights  

C. Data encryption methods 

D. Harmonisation of consent processes

3. What is a key ethical and legal consideration when sharing data internationally between biobanks?

A. To economise on the costs of data sharing

B. To enable the seamless integration and analysis of datasets from diverse sources

C. To ensure that information collected follows standardised formats

D. To allow staff from different biobanks to develop good relations 

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