Translate the VIRT2UE e-learning modules into your own language
Translate the VIRT2UE e-learning modules into your own language
The VIRT2UE materials are CC BY 4.0 licensed. We encourage you to use them, adapt them, and translate them into your own language.
On this page we provide instructions about how to translate the subtitles of the VIRT2UE e-learning modules.
Each course comprises of one ore more eLearning modules, of which links to documents containing the subtitles are listed separately.How to insert the translated subtitles in Articulate
This video shows you step-by-step how to insert the translated subtitles in the eLearning modules.
For more information on how to publish courses, visit Articulate here.
Click here to download all Articulate (.story) files.
Translate "Introduction to Research Integrity"
Three levels of Research Integrity
Research Integrity in your contextTranslate "Virtue Ethics and Research Integrity"
Virtue Ethics & Research Integrity
How virtues are taughtTranslate "Virtue Ethics under current research conditions"
Performative Culture in Research
Cognitive Dissonance and Moral Distress
Why we justify unethical behaviour
To make a virtue of necessityTranslate Introduction to Responsible Supervision, Mentoring and Role-modeling
Why responsible supervision, mentoring and role-modeling Roles and responsibilities in supervision and mentoring