
From The Embassy of Good Science


Our mission

The goal of The Embassy of Good Science is to promote research integrity among all those involved in research. The platform is open to anyone willing to learn or support others in fostering understanding and awareness around Good Science.

The Embassy aims to become a unique ‘go to’ place, a public square where the community of researchers can gather to discuss ‘hot topics’, share knowledge, and find guidance and support to perform science responsibly and with integrity.

We want to focus on researchers’ daily practice. Our ambition is to collaboratively map the laws, policies and guidelines informing good practices and highlight relevant cases, experiences, educational materials and good practice examples. We will also support educators to develop training on research integrity and ethics.

Let our community take over

The Embassy of Good Science is developed by and for researchers, who are willing to gather and join forces to preserve and safeguard good science. No embassy can function without its ambassadors. And that’s where you come in.

New Features

The Embassy of Good Science

Your platform for research
integrity and ethics

Our declaration describes the Embassy’s principles in strong, affirmative language. It forms a clear reference for all involved, including you.

The Embassy Declaration


The people and institutes that founded The Embassy:

Profile image of Guy Widdershoven
Guy WiddershovenAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Giulia Inguaggiato
Giulia InguaggiatoAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Marc van Hoof
Marc van HoofAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Ana Marušić
Ana MarušićSveuciliste U Splitu, HR
Profile image of Natalie Evans
Natalie EvansAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL

The Embassy Foundation

The Embassy Foundation aims to ensure sustainability of the platform and further develop it based on the needs of our users. It is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Management Board of The Embassy is comprised of:

Profile image of Ana Marušić (President)
Ana Marušić (President)Sveuciliste U Splitu, HR
Profile image of Guy Widdershoven (Secretary)
Guy Widdershoven (Secretary)Amsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Dirk Lanzerath (Treasurer)
Dirk Lanzerath (Treasurer)European Network of Research Ethics Committees, DE
Profile image of Maura Hiney
Maura HineyHealth Research Board, IE
Profile image of Mariëtte van den Hoven
Mariëtte van den HovenAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Natalie Evans
Natalie EvansAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL

The Management Board is supported by Natalie Evans. The Embassy Foundation holds a yearly meeting with Embassy Ambassadors. Ambassadors contribute to the structure, content and dissemination of the platform.

Ambassadors of Good Science

The Embassy is a grassroots approach, based on the contributions of researchers. Those who substantially contribute to the structure, content and dissemination of the platform can become Ambassadors of Good Science. Ambassadors are advocates for The Embassy and support the platform’s further development. Current Ambassadors:

Profile image of Daniel Pizzolato
Daniel PizzolatoKU Leuven, BE
Profile image of Marc van Hoof
Marc van HoofAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Giulia Inguaggiato
Giulia InguaggiatoAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Natalie Evans
Natalie EvansAmsterdam University Medical Center, NL
Profile image of Ruzica Tokalic
Ruzica TokalicSveuciliste U Splitu, HR
Profile image of Mohammad Hosseini
Mohammad HosseiniDublin City University, IE
Profile image of Ivan Buljan
Ivan BuljanSveuciliste U Splitu, HR
Profile image of Jonathan Lewis
Jonathan LewisDublin City University, IE
Profile image of Anna Armond
Anna ArmondDebreceni Egyetem, HU

How to contribute to The Embassy

You can already contribute to The Embassy by writing about an issue you care about, sharing your expertise, or uploading your resources.


The people who already contributed to The Embassy:

  • The Embassy Editorial team
  • Iris Lechner
  • Armin Scholmuller
  • Guy Widdershoven
  • Mohammad Hosseini
  • View all 40

How to partner with The Embassy

A number of projects have already partnered with The Embassy to highlight their initiatives and disseminate their outcomes. Find out more here.

Science with and for Society

Two European Commission funded projects, EnTIRE and VIRT2UE, have developed The Embassy of Good Science. EnTIRE and VIRT2UE received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society work program, part of the Research and Innovation program. The Science with and for Society work program (2016-17) described its aims as "to build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility". EnTIRE and VIRT2UE were both funded under the strategic objective to develop inclusive, anticipatory governance for research and innovation.

Open Source

This project uses an open science and source approach. An overview of the components of the software that makes up The Embassy can be found on this page. Its foundation is based on MediaWiki with the Semantic MediaWiki extension. The Discussion functionality is based on Discourse. The Training functionality has been inspired by dokit. The main software repository which holds the customizations can be found on GitHub. The implementation of the user interface is documented on a dedicated page explaining it in detail.


This is an initiative by the two projects EnTIRE and VIRT2UE and founded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program under grant agreement N 741782 and 787580. The ZonMW funded INSPIRE project contributed to list relevant content.


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