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From The Embassy of Good Science
 Instruction TypeWhat is this about?Why is this important?For whom is this important?
SPOC: Integrity in academic publication: authorship and peer reviewPhD Students
Junior researchers
Peer reviewers
SPOC: RCR through supervision and mentoring courseResearchers
Senior researchers
Trainers in training
Research integrity trainers
Self Declaration Approach - a Reflection on the Varieties of Goodness in ResearchResearchers
Trainers in training
Research integrity trainers
SertifikaResearch integrity trainers
Trainers in training
The Embassy's Newsletter - July 2021All stakeholders in research
The Middle PositionTrainers in training
Research integrity trainers
Translate the VIRT2UE e-learning modules into your own languageTranslators
Translate the VIRT2UE guide into your own languageTranslators
Uyarlanmış ikilem oyunuResearch integrity trainers
Trainers in training
VIRT2UE CertificationResearch integrity trainers
Trainers in training
VIRT2UE Train-the-Trainer programAll stakeholders in research
VIRT2UE VideosAll stakeholders in research
Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise))Teachers
Research integrity trainers
Virtue Ethics under Current Research ConditionsResearchers
Trainers in training
Research integrity trainers
Virtues and NormsResearchers
Research integrity trainers
Trainers in training
Werte/Tugenden und Normenresearchers
Research integrity trainers
Trainers in training
What is Research Integrity?All stakeholders in research
Öz beyan yaklaşımı, araştırmada iyiliğin farklı şekilleri üzerine fikir yürütmeResearchers
Trainers in training
Research integrity trainers
‘And the band played on’ movie fragment no. 3Research integrity trainers
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