Research culture

From The Embassy of Good Science

Research culture

What is this about?

Research culture can be defined in numerous ways and various perspectives can be taken on what constitutes a ‘good’ research culture. One possible  definition of research culture is that it constitutes the “behaviours, values, expectations, attitudes and norms” of research communities.[1]

Why is this important?

Research communities can be the science system as a whole, institutions or research labs. In these places a different reseach cultures might reign. Nontheless, research culture has an impact on the science system as a whole. The impact encompasses research integrity, diversity and inclusion, career paths, collaborations, the reward system, communication and more. Creating and maintaining a good research culture is invaluable for good science.

For whom is this important?

What are the best practices?

The Concordat to Support Research Integrity lists eight aspects which are important for a good research environment to promote best practices and research integrity.[1] They state a good research culture should include, as a minimum, the following:

  • Have clear policies, practices and procedures to support researchers
  • Have research ethics and integrity training, including mentoring opportunities
  • Have robust management systems ensuring implementation of policies related to research, its integrity and researchers behaviour
  • Create awareness among the standards of behaviour of researchers
  • Ensure a system is in place that can identify concerns at an early stage
  • Provide support mechanisms for those that need assistance
  • Have policies in place ensuring no stigma is attached to those that find they need assistance from their emplyees
  • Communicate and implement processes to raise concerns about research integrity

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Virtues & Values
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