Create Theme: Theme:983ddba7-2781-49ef-8f0d-a94a3a29f867

From The Embassy of Good Science

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  • 12:25, 27 June 2024 0009-0001-9914-1502 talk contribs deleted page Theme:983ddba7-2781-49ef-8f0d-a94a3a29f867 (content was: "{{Theme |Theme Type=Good Practices |Has Parent Theme=Theme:639528ea-d2c2-4565-8b44-15bb9646f74b |Title=Research culture group (University of Glasgow) |Is About=The 'Research Culture Group' of the University of Glasgow aims to create a positive research culture. The group functions as a steering group, meaning its members pay attention to a broad range of issues that shape the research culture. The group's activities include to: *Monitor the progress of current policies *Sugges...")

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