The ethics of managing a laboratory or research group

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The ethics of managing a laboratory or research group

What is this about?

In managing a research laboratory, a variety of ethical challenges occur, including issues with the management of personnel, financial and material resources, projects, and data. Many laboratory employees found an overall ethical issue in balancing the urge for efficiency against seemingly opposing ideals such as treating people fairly and supporting individual well-being. Many of them also stated that their graduate and post-graduate education and training did not adequately prepare them to deal with the ethical, financial, interpersonal, and other issues that arise when managing a research laboratory, and that effective communication and leadership are essential for ethical research laboratory management.

Why is this important?

Communication and leadership are crucial to managing a research laboratory ethically.

For whom is this important?

In Detail


Resnik DB, Lee E, Jirles B, Smith E, Barker K. For the "good of the lab": Insights from three focus groups concerning the ethics of managing a laboratory or research group. Account Res. 2021 Sep 30:1-20. doi: 10.1080/08989621.2021.1983799. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34591708.

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