
From The Embassy of Good Science
A few words that identify what to expect (short and catchy)

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Canadian Tri-agency framework: Responsible Conduct of Research  +
Canaries in the Mines: Children, Risk, Non-Therapeutic Research, and Justice  +
Cape Town Statement on Research Integrity  +
Carlo Croce: data falsification and other scientific misconduct  +
Case Studies For Small Group Discussion  +
Case Study Collection  +
Case Study Videos  +
Case Study: Beginning a Collaboration  +
Case report: incidental finding of a giant cardiac mass  +
Case study: : Low-resourced research environments as a barrier to openness  +
Case-based ethics instruction: the influence of contextual and individual factors in case content on ethical decision-making  +
Case: Apply the Emanuel Framework  +
Casuistry – is this RM, QRP or RCR? Three cases with dilemmas  +
Center for Open and REproducible Science (CORES)  +
Central statistical monitoring: detecting fraud in clinical trials  +
Changing a grant proposal to meet the reviewers requests  +
Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage  +
Checklist for higher-risk SSH research  +
Chemistry professor faces criminal charges after researcher's death  +
Child protection and confidentiality: Surveying children’s experiences of violence, abuse and neglect  +
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