Good Practices & Misconduct (Has Good Practice And Misconduct)

From The Embassy of Good Science
Add or select one or more good practices or misconducts

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Deception by participant  +, Clinical trials  +
Beneficence  +, Confidentiality  +, Informed consent  +
Balancing harms and benefits  +, Research with Humans  +
Exploitation  +, Adherence to Regulations  +
Ethical Dilemma  +
Supervisor-student relationship  +
Conflict of Interest  +, Science Policy  +, Allegation of Misconduct  +,
Confidentiality  +, Conflict of interests  +
Misrepresentation  +, communication of results  +
reliability of claims  +, Misrepresentation  +, retraction  +,
Equal co-authorship  +, Authorship dispute  +, Authorship order  +
Mentor/trainee relationship  +, Plagiarism  +, Peer review  +,
Shady practices  +
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