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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Harvard Scientists Disciplined for Not Declaring Ties to Drug Companies
- Institutional dealing with scientific misconduct
- Immediacy of fieldwork in participatory research with children in precarious contexts
- ROSiE General Guidelines on Responsible Open Science
- Human subject research
- Climategate' scientist speaks out
- Guidelines for scientists on communicating with the media
- Eager Researcher Signs Away Intellectual Rights Despite University Refusal
- Researchers Call For the Release of Findings of a Misconduct Investigation
- Faculty development: if you build it, they will come
- The German University Association's Recommendations on Academic Publication Behaviour
- Retracted gay-marriage study debated at misconduct meet-up
- Guidelines 03/2020 on the processing of data concerning health for the purpose of scientific research in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
- Chinese Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct for the National Natural Science Foundation
- Protocol Violations Putting Animal Subjects in Harm’s Way
- The role of moral philosophy in the divide between science and non-science
- Research ethics training of trainers: Developing capacity of Bolivian health science and civil society leaders
- Design and Development of a Course in Professionalism and Ethics for CDIO Curriculum in China
- The Tadpole Paper Mill
- Central statistical monitoring: detecting fraud in clinical trials
- Spanish Law on Science, Technology and Innovation
- Ethics in educational research: Introducing a methodological tool for effective ethical analysis
- AI Ethics and Governance in Practice: An Introduction
- Peer-mentored research development meeting: a model for successful peer mentoring among junior level researchers
- Teaching the Ethical Principles of Psychology
- INSPIRE Checklist
- ALLEA Permanent Working Group Science and Ethics
- Research integrity - what is means, why it is important and how we might protect it
- Online Learning Tool for Research Integrity and Image Processing
- Intellectual Rights Involving Multiple Institutions
- Automatic plagiarism detection with PAIRwise 2.0.
- Selling Out? Making Deals with Other Institutions
- Companion Guidelines on Replication & Reproducibility in Education Research:
- Responsible Research and Innovation resources for researchers and funders
- Netherlands Standard Evaluation Protocol for Research Assessments
- Development of Role-Play Scenarios for Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research
- Find the inappropriate duplications in biomedical images 3
- irecs RE and I basics step 13 Is this personal data?
- irecs RE and I basics step 13 Video Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 14 Audio Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 15 Quiz
- Case: Apply the Emanuel Framework
- Find the inappropriate duplications in biomedical images 4
- Philosophical Justifications for Human Subjects Research
- Scenario #1
- Scenario #2
- Scenario #3
- Scenario #4
- Diner Pensant: Reflection
- PREPARED Kick-Off Webinar