From The Embassy of Good Science
Collaborative working +
Columbia grad student faked data in study of socioeconomics and life experiences, says retraction notice +
Columbia grad student faked data in study of socioeconomics and life experiences, says retraction notice +
Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines +
Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines on How to Handle Authorship Disputes +
Community consultation and public disclosure: preliminary results from a new model +
Community's of Practice Datamanagement & Privacy +
Companion Guidelines on Replication & Reproducibility in Education Research: +
Confidentiality +
Conflict of interest disclosure in early education of medical students +
Conflict of interests +
Conflicts of Interest (CSIC, Spain) +
Conflicts of Interest in Research on Antipsychotic Treatment +
Conflicts of interest in citizen science +
Conflicts of interest in citizen science - case study +
Conflicts with Community Leaders +
Confronting Research Misconduct in Citizen Science +
Contemporary Science, Values and Animal Subjects in Research +
Contentious problems in bioscience and biotechnology: a pilot study of an approach to ethics education +
Contentious problems in bioscience and biotechnology: a pilot study of an approach to ethics education +
Continuing Research and Protecting Confidentiality +
Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine +