What are the best practices? (Has Best Practice)

From The Embassy of Good Science
Available and relevant practice examples (max. 400 words)

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There are six tenets or principles: indigenous identity development, indigenous paradigmatic lens, reflexivity and power sharing, critical immersion, participation and accountability, and methodological flexibility. See more at: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1476750315622542 Guidance in the article published in Action Research.]  +
COPE provides collection of [https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines guidelines] on publication ethics.  +
As an author, assuming responsibility and being accountable for one's work requires the disclosure of one's identity.  +
This teaching material was developed by the NRIN. In the first session in which this material was used, case 1 was not entirely clear to the participants. Some information was therefore added to this material. A session with discussions on all dilemma’s would take about 60-90 minutes. Cases 2 and 3 were slightly simplified for a meet-the-keynote-speaker session with Prof. Lex Bouter. He used one only case 2 (Case A in the ppt) in this session, because it already yielded a lively discussion with the participants who also discussed related dilemma’s they encountered in their work. The material then was further developed for the course on research integrity for PhD-candidates at VUmc. New materials to be uploaded.  +
- General Scientific Integrity - Collegiality -Responsibility to research participants - Protection of animals in research - Obligations to students -Social Responsibility  +
- Publication ethics - Supervision and mentoring - Institutional policy  +
In their virtue-based model of ethical decision-making, Crossan et al. outline how a virtue-based orientation may be a means of resilience for individuals who are trying to navigate between high situational pressures and demands for ethical behavior.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000009-QINU`"' Medeiros et al. give an overview of cognitive biases prevalent among university staff.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000A-QINU`"' Mecca et al. give valuable insights on the efficacy of a training intervention based on the finding of Medeiros et al.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000B-QINU`"' Cassam recently introduced an account on how epistemic vices may influence unethical decision-making.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000C-QINU`"' Moreover, he gives an overview on how these vices may be corrected (see chapter 8 “Self-improvement“, p. 167-187).'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000D-QINU`"' '"`UNIQ--references-0000000E-QINU`"'  +
The aim of all eight scenarios is to allow researchers, research ethics committees ('RECs'), research integrity offices ('RIOs') and research administrators to focus their reflection on core principles and research contexts that enshrine good research practice as well as their local rules and practices.  +
The European Code of Conduct'"`UNIQ--ref-00000052-QINU`"' states that good research practice with regard to collaborations are based on the following principles: *"All partners in research collaborations take responsibility for the integrity of the research. *All partners in research collaborations agree at the outset on the goals of the research and on the process for communicating their research as transparently and openly as possible. * All partners formally agree at the start of their collaboration on expectations and standards concerning research integrity, on the laws and regulations that will apply, on protection of the intellectual property of collaborators, and on procedures for handling conflicts and possible cases of misconduct. *All partners in research collaborations are properly informed and consulted about submissions for publication of the research results. "(ECC 2017, section 2.6) Vicens and Bourne (2007) suggest the following rules'"`UNIQ--ref-00000053-QINU`"': #Do Not Be Lured into Just Any Collaboration #Decide at the Beginning Who Will Work on What Tasks #Stick to Your Tasks #Be Open and Honest #Feel Respect, Get Respect #Communicate, Communicate, and Communicate #Protect Yourself from a Collaboration That Turns Sour #Always Acknowledge and Cite Your Collaborators #Seek Advice from Experienced Scientists #If Your Collaboration Satisfies You, Keep It Going '"`UNIQ--references-00000054-QINU`"'  +
While some COIs might be inevitable (e.g. in case of scientists who move between academia, industry, and government), disclosure and providing extra information is believed to empower readers to place credence on presented data. '"`UNIQ--ref-000002A5-QINU`"' Conflict of interests is explained in numerous guidelines . For example, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) has issued several guidelines for dealing with conflict of interest, from both reviewers’ and readers’ point of view. COPE guidelines for reviewers can be found [https://www.embassy.science/theme/A%20lot%20has%20been%20said%20about%20conflict%20of%20interest.%20For%20example,%20Committee%20on%20Publication%20Ethics%20(COPE)%20has%20issued%20several%20guidelines%20for%20dealing%20with%20conflict%20of%20interest,%20from%20both%20reviewers%E2%80%99%20and%20readers%E2%80%99%20point%20of%20view.%20COPE%20guidelines%20for%20reviewers%20can%20be%20found%20here here], and guidelines for readers can be accessed [https://www.embassy.science/theme/A%20lot%20has%20been%20said%20about%20conflict%20of%20interest.%20For%20example,%20Committee%20on%20Publication%20Ethics%20(COPE)%20has%20issued%20several%20guidelines%20for%20dealing%20with%20conflict%20of%20interest,%20from%20both%20reviewers%E2%80%99%20and%20readers%E2%80%99%20point%20of%20view.%20COPE%20guidelines%20for%20reviewers%20can%20be%20found%20here here]. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) also addressed the issue of conflict of interest, and defined purposeful failure to disclose conflicts of interest as a form of misconduct. They categorize conflict of interest as following: financial relationships (such as consultancies, stock ownership or options, honorary payments, patents…), personal relationships or rivalries, academic competition, and intellectual beliefs. A more detailed ICMJE explanation and guide can be found [https://www.embassy.science/theme/International%20Committee%20of%20Medical%20Journal%20Editors%20(ICMJE)%20also%20addressed%20the%20issue%20of%20conflict%20of%20interest,%20and%20defined%20purposeful%20failure%20to%20disclose%20conflicts%20of%20interest%20as%20a%20form%20of%20misconduct.%20They%20categorize%20conflict%20of%20interest%20as%20following%3A%20financial%20relationships%20(such%20as%20consultancies,%20stock%20ownership%20or%20options,%20honorary%20payments,%20patents%E2%80%A6),%20personal%20relationships%20or%20rivalries,%20academic%20competition,%20and%20intellectual%20beliefs.%20A%20more%20detailed%20ICMJE%20explanation%20and%20guide%20can%20be%20found%20here here]. A separate ICMJE declaration of conflict of interest form can be accessed [http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/ here]. Completed ICMJE COI declaration is often a requirement for submitting an article to a scientific journal. '"`UNIQ--references-000002A6-QINU`"'  
- Awareness of potential conflicts of interest - Institutional oversight  +
Researchers can consult the following guidelines on collaboration with communities: * Kate Chatfield et al. (2018) Research with, not about, communities - Ethical guidance towards empowerment in collaborative research, a report for the TRUST project. http://trust-project.eu/ * Figueiredo Nascimento, S., Cuccillato, E., Schade, S., Guimarães Pereira, A. (2016) Citizen Engagement in Science and Policy-Making. doi:10.2788/40563 https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/communities/sites/jrccties/files/mc10_rio_sio-lopez_mobility_reading.pdf  +
- Green Open Access - Golden Open Access - Collaboration between partners - Creation of a national Open Access Platform - Quality assurance and monitoring  +
The aim of all eight scenarios is to allow researchers, research ethics committees ('RECs'), research integrity offices ('RIOs') and research administrators to focus their reflection on core principles and research contexts that enshrine good research practice as well as their local rules and practices.  +
Resnik et al (2015) list four measures researchers can take to address deception by research subjects. '"`UNIQ--ref-00000030-QINU`"' # Researchers can verify information by letting participants undergo physical exams and laboratory tests. # Research subjects can be excluded from the study when deception is uncovered. # Studies can consider rewarding research subjects when they provide accurate self-reported information. # Researchers can require subjects to be registered in a clinical trial particpant registry.  +
<br /> '"`UNIQ--references-00000020-QINU`"'  +
The case provides some ideas of best practices in order to avoid such plagiarism allegations: a)      Create your own review model after you have read a number of different review examples, rather heavily relying on one single example b)     Acknowledge that the book review model used relies heavily on XX’s review by referencing appropriately  +
The Irish national statement for research integrity  <sup>7</sup> is developed in line with the ECoC. -       Principles of Research Integrity -       Research Misconduct -       Collaboratiosns  +
The philosophical importance of dialogue has been elaborated in philosophical hermeneutics. '"`UNIQ--ref-0000002B-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-0000002C-QINU`"' Moral Case Deliberation is an example of group reflection on moral issues through dialogue.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000002D-QINU`"' In MCD, a morally troublesome situation is investigated by a group, guided by a facilitator. During the investigation, the conflicting values in the situation are examined in dialogue. '"`UNIQ--references-0000002E-QINU`"'  +
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