Good Practices & Misconduct (Has Good Practice And Misconduct)
From The Embassy of Good Science
Sexual harassment +
A New Challenge to Research Ethics: Patients-Led Research (PLR) and the Role of Internet Based Social Networks +
Informed consent +
Plagiarism +
RERI in general +
A University of Liverpool investigation determined that a former researcher there fabricated his data +
Factual case +
Research misconduct +
Research ethics +
A framework for assessing the quality of democratic deliberation: enhancing deliberation as a tool for bioethic +
Consent +
A meta-analysis of studies of publication misrepresentation by applicants to residency and fellowship programs +
Authorship +
A proposal for a model of informed consent for the collection, storage and use of biological materials for research purposes +
Consent +
A qualitative approach to Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training development: identification of metacognitive strategies +