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From The Embassy of Good Science
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- Authors couldn’t find a patient to give consent for case report. Then the patient found the report. (13:55, 9 June 2021)
- File:DainaVasilevska.jpg (07:43, 10 June 2021)
- File:IngridaVeiksa.jpg (07:45, 10 June 2021)
- File:Alexandra Lautarescu.png (10:49, 10 June 2021)
- The Culture of Scientific Research in the UK (14:40, 10 June 2021)
- Monitoring funding processes (14:41, 10 June 2021)
- COPE Journals’ Best Practices for Ensuring Consent for Publishing Medical Case Reports (09:46, 11 June 2021)
- Consent for publication (Participant) (10:21, 11 June 2021)
- Rising Publication Delays Inflate Journal Impact Factors (11:31, 11 June 2021)
- Journal Impact Factor based on the date of electronic publication (11:56, 11 June 2021)
- File:Episode1.png (09:41, 14 June 2021)
- File:Episode2.png (10:04, 14 June 2021)
- Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (10:41, 17 June 2021)
- Contemporary Science, Values and Animal Subjects in Research (15:09, 18 June 2021)
- Objectivity and Incentives (15:09, 18 June 2021)
- Reproducibility of methodology (15:10, 18 June 2021)
- U.S. gov’t researchers withdraw climate paper after using pseudonyms (15:11, 18 June 2021)
- Fraud, errors and gamesmanship in experimental toxicology: Extasy (15:12, 18 June 2021)
- Harms and benefits - International research ethics and cultural values (15:12, 18 June 2021)
- Veterinary scientist fabricates data and manipulates images (15:12, 18 June 2021)
- An author realized a paper had plagiarized his thesis. It took the journal four years to retract it. (15:13, 18 June 2021)
- Harms and benefits - International research ethics and cultural values (15:13, 18 June 2021)
- Want to make sure your paper gets published? Just do your own peer review like this researcher did (12:42, 21 June 2021)
- ORI comes down (hard) on Bengu Sezen, Columbia chemist accused of fraud (12:48, 21 June 2021)
- Environmental journal pulls two papers for “compromised” peer review (13:13, 21 June 2021)
- On Goffman: Ethnography and the Ethics of Care (14:03, 21 June 2021)
- Journal calls 2012 paper “deeply offensive to particular minorities” (14:23, 21 June 2021)
- Springer Nature ‘continuing to investigate the concerns raised’ about paper linking obesity and lying (14:24, 21 June 2021)
- “There can be no justification for such studies”: Paper on artificial eyes for dogs earns expression of concern (14:32, 21 June 2021)
- Agriculture researcher up to 15 retractions for fake peer review (15:02, 21 June 2021)
- A bullshit excuse? My lab notebook “was blown into a manure pit” (16:55, 21 June 2021)
- Everything We Know About Facebook's Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment. It was probably legal. But was it ethical? (09:38, 22 June 2021)
- Human Research Violations By Eye Doctor Showcase A National Problem (09:41, 22 June 2021)
- FDA Inspections Revealing Research Misconduct Hidden from Public View (15:09, 22 June 2021)
- In the matter of J Hendrik Schön (16:08, 22 June 2021)
- Official notice published for chem paper slated for retraction in 2011 (16:19, 22 June 2021)
- Criminologist to have four papers retracted following months of scrutiny (11:28, 23 June 2021)
- Institutional dealing with scientific misconduct (16:07, 23 June 2021)
- File:Jocelyne2.png (09:02, 24 June 2021)
- Resource:22290809-0b2e-47d3-9824-06b5aa3fb95e (10:57, 24 June 2021)
- EvaluationPrivacy (09:38, 28 June 2021)
- Dutch psychology fraudster avoids trial (11:35, 28 June 2021)
- Investigation ends in 6th retraction for Voinnet (11:36, 28 June 2021)
- What should a journal do when a scientist who committed misconduct submits a new paper? (11:37, 28 June 2021)
- A Letter of Resignation (11:51, 28 June 2021)
- You want to do what? Paper on anal swabs for COVID-19 retracted for ethical issues (12:07, 28 June 2021)
- You want to do what? Paper on anal swabs for COVID-19 retracted for ethical issues (12:07, 28 June 2021)
- You want to do what? Paper on anal swabs for COVID-19 retracted for ethical issues (12:08, 28 June 2021)
- Guest Post — Unethical Practices in Research and Publishing: Evidence from Russia (12:17, 28 June 2021)
- Materials scientist up to nine retractions (12:24, 28 June 2021)