Integrity roadmap, Delft University of Technology

From The Embassy of Good Science

Integrity roadmap, Delft University of Technology

What is this about?

Delft University of Technology designed a roadmap inspired by the London Underground map, in an effort to lead the way when people face integrity related situations and have little or no idea where to start: this chart shows briefly what you can do in such a situation. Different problems, from dilemma’s to suspects of wrongdoing or conflicts of interest, correspond with different roads, and lead you in the right direction to contact a certain person or service. In the digital roadmap links with emailadresses or webpages are embedded, to help you find your way.

Why is this important?

This map is an inspiring initiative, because it foresees in clear guidance for a wide public, is relatively low cost, easy to disseminate, and originally designed.

For whom is this important?

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