Feedback of findings in genome-wide association studies
Feedback of findings in genome-wide association studies
What is this about?
Why is this important?
The first sequencing of the whole human genome in 2003 cost roughly $2.7 billion. Advances in whole genome scanning technologies have enabled commercial companies to make genomic information available to the end consumer at competitive prices. Consumers can now have access to commercial genotyping of their genome from direct-to-consumer testing companies. According to NHGRI-funded genome-sequencing groups, the cost to generate a high-quality 'draft' whole human genome sequence in mid-2015 was just above $4,000; by late in 2015, that figure had fallen below $1,500.
This changing of landscape and technologies in which GWAS takes place is likely to affect the problem of reporting of findings. Is it possible that the participants in GWAS will expect a feedback similar to the information provided by consumer genetics companies?For whom is this important?
What are the best practices?
In Detail
Kaye J, Boddington P, de Vries J, Hawkins N, Melham K. Ethical implications of the use of whole genome methods in medical research. European journal of human genetics : EJHG. 2010;18(4):398-403. Epub 2009/11/06.
Giulia Inguaggiato, Nikolina Pleić contributed to this theme. Latest contribution was Jul 05, 2023