Institutional codes of conduct for research integrity

From The Embassy of Good Science

Institutional codes of conduct for research integrity

What is this about?

Every institution where research is carried out should have codes that regulate research procedure from its conceptualization to publication. Besides institution guidelines, there should be rules on a national or an even larger scale. Every researcher needs to get familiar with codes that apply to themselves.

Why is this important?

As important as moral values and integrity are, it's also very important to regulate what a researcher's legal limitations are too. Malpractice and misconduct can effect not only the staff involved but the entire institution as well, later on reflecting on other researchers and their work as well. It can stain the institution as a whole in funders eyes as well as other institutions who could've been involved collaboratively. Not only does it have negative connotations towards the scientific community involved, but it can also change public opinions towards the entire academic community. Even if all that's put aside, as a researcher your goal should always primarily be to be a part of a mission towards a deeper understanding of the world around us.

For whom is this important?

What are the best practices?

There should be an open dialogue about research practices between all levels of staff at an institution. The guidelines themselves, as a written set of rules should be easily accessible. All procedures should have a level of transparency and there should be secure channels of contact in case of concern about certain practices being planned out or implemented.

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