Difference between revisions of "Instruction:7d76dca8-1a71-4e79-9bf4-6044b8dd79f9"

From The Embassy of Good Science
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|Instruction Step Interactive Content=Resource:H5P-96
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|Instruction Step Title=The Need To Respect Privacy
|Instruction Step Title=The Need To Respect Privacy
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Do you know what is meant by personal data? Look at the following options and identify those that are personal data.
Do you know what is meant by personal data? Look at the following options and identify those that are personal data.
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Research ethics with humans presents one of the most difficult ethical challenges for a researcher. It might help to remember that research participants often provide a voluntary service to humanity and science without personal gain; they should be treated ethically in return.
Research ethics with humans presents one of the most difficult ethical challenges for a researcher. It might help to remember that research participants often provide a voluntary service to humanity and science without personal gain; they should be treated ethically in return.
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You can try these questions to see whether your learning from this module addresses the intended learning outcomes. No one else will see your answers. No personal data is collected.
You can try these questions to see whether your learning from this module addresses the intended learning outcomes. No one else will see your answers. No personal data is collected.
|Instruction Step Interactive Content=Resource:H5P-103
{{Instruction Step Trainee
{{Instruction Step Trainee

Revision as of 17:45, 18 March 2025

Research Ethics And Integrity Basics

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer

The aim

To provide learners from different backgrounds and disciplines with an overview of the primary ethics and integrity issues in research

The learning outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of ethics and integrity in research.
  2. Describe a range of ethics and integrity issues that can be associated with different types of research.
  3. Summarise the primary ethics issues raised by research with human participants.
Click here for an audio version of the text above.
Duration (hours)
For whom is this important?
Case Studies In Mexico

mexican town hall

What ethics issues can you identify in the cases mentioned in this short video? You can download the text if you wish to help you formulate your thoughts.

Case Study Feedback

pills on a table

Click on the hotspots to see some of the issues we identified.

Many of the ethics issues in research are obvious and there are clear guidelines about how these ethics issues should be addressed. However, research can also generate ethics dilemmas that lead to debate about the best course of action. You will see this in the next example from clinical research.

Click here for an audio version of the text above.

irecs RE and I basics step 3 Mexico Hotspots

Case Study: Clinical Research

woman in laboratory

Clinical studies commonly include randomised control trials, where the outcomes of two or more groups are compared to test the effects of particular interventions. Sometimes one of the groups is given a placebo (dummy pill) to act as the control, as in this study:

Case Study Review

yes or no buttons

Read the following opinions, decide who you most agree with, and then move to the next page to see what the Declaration of Helsinki has to say.

Case Study Review

Read the following opinions, decide who you most agree with, and then move to the next step to see what the Declaration of Helsinki has to say.

Irecs 1.png

This study provides very high-quality evidence for the efficacy of ipilimumab. The findings have the potential to benefit many patients. All the participants knew what was involved and consented to participate. Hence the study is ethical.

Irecs 2.png

This study is unethical because the control group should not have been given placebo. Why wasn’t the new drug compared with an existing treatment like interferon alpha? Those in the placebo group effectively went without treatment for three years.

Irecs 3.png

There are times when, even though there is an existing treatment available, it is ethically permissible to test new treatments against a placebo because this gives a more realistic idea of the effect size and is more useful in the long run.

irecs RE and I basics step 5 audio transcript

Placebo Summary

handful of pills

What does the Declaration of Helsinki say about this?

Placebos should only be used:

Where there are compelling and scientifically sound reasons why it is necessary to determine efficacy or safety, and the patients who receive placebo will not be subject to additional risks of serious or irreversible harm.

But how do we know what counts as compelling and scientifically sound? And how do we know whether people who receive placebo are being put at risk?

As with many ethical guidelines, there can be disagreement about what they mean in practice. In this situation, when making decisions about the design of a study, it can help to remember the Golden Rule. Imagine yourself in the shoes of someone who is being invited to participate. What would you want to know and how would you want to be treated?

irecs RE and I Basics step 6 Audio Transcript

Research Ethics In Different Disciplines

words written on the screen

Some ethical issues are common across research disciplines. For instance, all researchers who work with human participants need to think about informed consent and privacy, regardless of their research discipline. Other ethical challenges are more specific to certain research fields. For instance, ethical challenges associated with research in artificial intelligence can be quite different to those involving animal experimentation or archaeology.

Watch the following presentations to hear about some of the challenges facing a nuclear physicist, an animal physiologist, and a historian.

irecs RE and I basics step 7 Presentation Transcript

Research Integrity

lady justice

So far in this module, we have only referred to ‘research ethics’ but within this broad domain, a distinction is often drawn between matters of research ethics and matters of research integrity. Both are concerned with morality in research but matters of research integrity focus specifically upon the ethics issues that are associated with trustworthiness in research. Research integrity is needed to promote trust and confidence in all aspects of the research process. In the absence of research integrity, research misconduct can lead to the dissemination of unreliable information.

There are many different types of research misconduct. Match the following types to their meanings.

irecs RE and I basics step 8 drag and drop

Research With Human Participants

Faces of different people

People can be involved in research in many different ways. For instance, they might be asked to take part in a survey, be interviewed, be observed, or participate in a clinical study. They might also be involved via use of their personal data or biological samples.

Here we touch upon three of the primary ethics requirements when research involves humans:

  1. The need for informed consent.
  2. The need to minimise harms.
  3. The need to respect privacy.

    irecs RE and I basics step 9 Audio

The Need For Informed Consent

consent spelled out on blocks

Informed consent is the cornerstone of ethical research with humans. It is of fundamental importance that people understand what a research project is about and provide their consent for taking part.

There are seven key ingredients for valid informed consent. Match the following ingredients to their meanings.

irecs RE and I basics step 10 Drag and Drop

What Is Personal Data?

someone putting their thumb up and data appearing

Do you know what is meant by personal data? Look at the following options and identify those that are personal data.

irecs RE and I basics step 13 Is this personal data?

End Text

two peoples hands, one person comforting the other

Research ethics with humans presents one of the most difficult ethical challenges for a researcher. It might help to remember that research participants often provide a voluntary service to humanity and science without personal gain; they should be treated ethically in return.

irecs RE and I basics step 14 Audio Transcript

End Of Module Quiz

question mark in speech bubble

You can try these questions to see whether your learning from this module addresses the intended learning outcomes. No one else will see your answers. No personal data is collected.

irecs RE and I basics step 15 Quiz

Module Evaluation

person sat at computer in office

Thank you for taking this irecs module!

Your feedback is very valuable to us and will help us to improve future training materials.

We would like to ask for your opinions:

1. To improve the irecs e-learning modules

2. For research purposes to evaluate the outcomes of the irecs project

To this end we have developed a short questionnaire, which will take from 5 to 10 minutes to answer.

Your anonymity is guaranteed; you won’t be asked to share identifying information or any sensitive information. Data will be handled and stored securely and will only be used for the purposes detailed above. You can find the questionnaire by clicking on the link below.

This link will take you to a new page; https://forms.office.com/e/K5LH08FyvQ

Thank you!


blocks spelling glossary

Glossary Of Terms

Conflict Of Interest (CoI)

A conflict of interest arises when an individual has multiple interests or relationships that could potentially compromise their ability to act impartially, ethically, or in the best interest of others. This type of conflict typically occurs when personal, financial, professional, or other interests compete or conflict with the individual's duties, responsibilities, or obligations. For instance, when a researcher’s affiliations with external organisations, such as membership of professional associations or advisory boards, create competing loyalties or obligations that could impact their decision-making within their primary role or organisation.


In research, fabrication refers to the creation of false information, such as data, qualifications or ethics approvals, with the intent to deceive or mislead others. It involves the manufacturing of something that is not true or the distorting of facts in order to portray a false reality.


Falsification refers to the act of deliberately altering, manipulating, or misrepresenting data, evidence, or information with the intention of misleading others or distorting the truth. It involves presenting false or fabricated information as genuine or accurate, thereby creating a false impression or narrative.

General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection and privacy regulation implemented by the European Union (EU). It came into effect on May 25, 2018, replacing the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The GDPR aims to strengthen and harmonise data protection laws across EU member states, as well as to protect the privacy and personal data of individuals within the EU with key principles. For instance:

  1. Consent: Individuals must provide clear and affirmative consent for the processing of their personal data.
  2. Data Minimization: Organisations are required to collect and process only the personal data that is necessary for the specified purpose, and they must limit the retention of data to the minimum necessary timeframe.
  3. Data Subject Rights: Individuals have enhanced rights over their personal data, including the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and portability of their data.

The GDPR applies not only to organisations based in the EU but also to any organisation that processes personal data of individuals within the EU, regardless of the organisation's location.

Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is a moral rule that is found in cultures and religious traditions around the world. In essence, it states that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. The Golden Rule encourages empathy, compassion, and reciprocity in human interactions, emphasising the importance of considering the perspectives and wellbeing of others. Here are some of the formulations:

In Buddhism: "Hurt not others with that which pains yourself." (Udana-Varga 5.18)

In Christianity: "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12, English Standard Version)

In Confucianism: "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself." (Analects 15.24)

In Judaism: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)

In Islam: "None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself." (Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

Informed Consent

Informed consent refers to the voluntary agreement by an individual to participate in a particular activity, undergo a procedure, or receive a treatment after being provided with relevant information about the risks, benefits, alternatives, and implications involved. Informed consent is a fundamental ethical and legal principle in healthcare, research, and various other contexts where individuals may be asked to make decisions that might impact their wellbeing.

In research, informed consent is essential to protect the rights and welfare of research participants. Researchers are required to obtain informed consent from participants before involving them in a study, and participants have the right to withdraw their consent at any time without penalty.


Misrepresentation refers to the act of providing false, incomplete, or misleading information with the intention of deceiving or misleading others. It involves presenting something inaccurately or in a way that creates a false impression or understanding. For instance, making false or exaggerated claims about a product (like a drug) or service (like a treatment option) in advertisements or promotional materials.

Personal Data

Personal data encompasses any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. It includes data that can directly identify a person, such as their name, address, email address, social security number, or phone number. It also encompasses data that, when combined with other information, could identify an individual, such as their date of birth, place of birth, gender, or biometric data.

In the context of data protection and privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, personal data is subject to specific legal protections and requirements regarding its collection, use, disclosure, and security.


Piracy in research refers to the unauthorised or unethical reproduction, distribution, or use of academic or scholarly work without proper attribution, permission, or acknowledgment of the original authors or copyright holders.


Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or creations as one's own without proper attribution or acknowledgment. It involves copying or closely paraphrasing the words, thoughts, or creative expressions of others and passing them off as original or independent work.

Randomised Controlled Trial

A randomised controlled trial (RCT) is a type of scientific study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular intervention or treatment. In an RCT, participants are randomly assigned to one of two or more groups: the treatment group, which receives the intervention being tested, and one or more control groups, which may receive a placebo or standard treatment, or no treatment at all. RCTs are often described as ‘blinded’, which is implemented to minimise bias in the study. In single-blind trials, participants are unaware of their treatment assignment, while in double-blind trials, both participants and researchers are unaware of who is receiving the test intervention and who is receiving the control (standard treatment, placebo or no treatment).

Randomised controlled trials are broadly considered the gold standard for evaluating the efficacy and safety of medical treatments and interventions.

Systematic Review

A systematic review is a comprehensive and rigorous method of summarising and synthesising existing evidence for a specific research question or topic. It involves systematically searching, selecting, appraising, and analysing relevant studies from the literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the available evidence.

Systematic reviews are broadly considered the highest level of evidence in evidence-based practice and are widely used to inform clinical practice, policymaking, and decision-making in various fields.

Video Transcript

Research can lead to great benefits.

We need look no further than the development of treatments and vaccines for combatting the coronavirus pandemic to understand the incredible potential for benefits.

But research does not always lead to benefits; it might also involve people, animals and resources in fruitless efforts and, at worse, it might cause great harm.

In this module, we consider some of the ethics and integrity issues that are associated with research across disciplines.

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