Most linked-to pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
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- Resource:B440e563-4d20-4113-b68a-8c32c6031af5 (3 links)
- Institutional review board approval and publication of human research results (3 links)
- Doing good (3 links)
- Research fraud on MMR vaccines (3 links)
- Biomedical Alliance in Europe (Biomed Alliance) Code of Conduct (3 links)
- European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) Model-Code of Ethics (3 links)
- German Council of Science and Humanities (3 links)
- Research integrity list at KU Leuven (3 links)
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Magazine Surprise (3 links)
- Polarized research (3 links)
- Doing Global science (3 links)
- Important For:collaborating groups (3 links)
- Theme:8041a750-662d-459f-8ea7-9503e33a2e03 (3 links)
- Ousted: Rule-Breaking Lundbeck CEO and Novartis Scientist Get the Boot (3 links)
- Theme:910885da-9dfe-4aa0-a11d-e2ed6caf56f3 (3 links)
- Personal Information (3 links)
- Theme:9de016c0-cdce-4438-bbb2-92698a8b3293 (3 links)
- SH 02.08 - Legal studies, constitutions, comparative law, human rights (3 links)
- European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Patient Registry Code of Conduct (3 links)
- Resource:01564519-5c74-4a89-acb6-b212b235ac56 (3 links)
- Working with Research Integrity - Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement (3 links)
- Whistle-blower Claims his Accusations Cost him his Job (3 links)
- Why is this important? (3 links)
- Justice (3 links)
- Related Themes (3 links)
- Resource:17233109-a013-41e9-83a5-151597d32967 (3 links)
- Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Online Training (3 links)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Science Ethics Code (3 links)
- ENAI glossary (3 links)
- Gauging the potential societal contributions of research and innovation – a guide for HEFRCs (3 links)
- Social responsibility (3 links)
- Institutional Pathology and the Death of a Mentally Ill Young Man (3 links)
- Estonia (3 links)
- What is Recklessness in Scientific Research? (3 links)
- European Meteorological Society (EMS) Code of Practice for communicating knowledge on climate change to the public (3 links)
- Companion Guidelines on Replication & Reproducibility in Education Research: (3 links)
- Evaluating and Editing (3 links)
- Data collection, storage and interpretation (3 links)
- Taylor (3 links)
- Contentious problems in bioscience and biotechnology: a pilot study of an approach to ethics education (3 links)
- European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Code of Conduct (3 links)
- Cochrane library (3 links)
- Cultural differences and communication in the lab (3 links)
- U.S. Gov’t Physicist Sentenced to 18 months in Prison for Fraud (3 links)
- Printeger Upright (3 links)
- European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) Meta-Code of Ethics (3 links)
- European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics (3 links)
- Greece (3 links)
- UK Research Integrity Office Resources on Research Integrity (3 links)
- A Medical Ghostwriter’s Personal View (3 links)