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From The Embassy of Good Science
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- Lucija (3 links)
- Applying Research Findings to Enhance Pre-Practicum Ethics Training (3 links)
- ENERI Classroom (3 links)
- Resource:71abbe07-2f55-4931-94e9-4c7b63eabd4e (3 links)
- Case Study Videos (3 links)
- Gender Equality (3 links)
- Academic Reputation (3 links)
- Duty to Disclose Commercial Interest (3 links)
- How Earnest Research Into Gay Genetics Went Wrong (3 links)
- Resource:7c5849a2-2b32-4297-8d8f-a02fbc3ab65e (3 links)
- Alan Turing Institute (3 links)
- Academic integrity at MIT, a handbook for students (3 links)
- Head of research integrity initiative in China alleged of reseach misconduct (3 links)
- Sexual harassment (3 links)
- One PhD student, a retraction, and an unconvincing rebuttal (3 links)
- The Ethics of Public Health Research on Less Expensive, Less Effective Interventions (3 links)
- Harm (3 links)
- Data management plans (3 links)
- Reviewing (3 links)
- European Astronomical Society (EAS) Ethics Statement and Guidelines for Good Practice (3 links)
- Conflicts with Community Leaders (3 links)
- Ivan (3 links)
- Plemmons (3 links)
- Theme:F8127b19-a41a-4cfc-b829-7c72e91f578e (3 links)
- Proportionality (3 links)
- Canadian Tri-agency framework: Responsible Conduct of Research (3 links)
- Template:RT Activity Stream Item (3 links)
- When (3 links)
- Research Area (3 links)
- Tutorial: PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (3 links)
- Important For:Principals (3 links)
- Perioperative Mischief: The Price of Academic Misconduct (3 links)
- Governance (3 links)
- Resource:2669e640-7b5a-4390-a2f5-5cb846f135df (3 links)
- Science and Surveillance: Western Institutions Consider Role in China’s Uighur Crackdown (3 links)
- University of Split Medical School (3 links)
- Sitting in Judgement (3 links)
- The Art and Politics of Covert Research: Doing ‘Situated Ethics’ in the Field (3 links)
- Resource:F64b4e45-3104-4a35-b704-c24b7a132619 (3 links)
- Online Learning Tool for Research Integrity and Image Processing (3 links)
- European Association of Social Psychology (3 links)
- European Nuclear Society (ENS) Ethical Charter (3 links)
- False Data (3 links)
- 1995 (3 links)
- Mumford (3 links)
- Rampant Plagiarism in Two Journals (3 links)
- Financial responsibilities (3 links)
- Sample records for guideline development processes (3 links)
- Mapping stakeholders and scoping involvement – a guide for HEFRCs (3 links)
- The Use of Students as Participants in a Study of Eating Disorders in a Developing Country: Case Study in the Ethics of Mental Health Research (3 links)