Gauging the potential societal contributions of research and innovation – a guide for HEFRCs

From The Embassy of Good Science

Gauging the potential societal contributions of research and innovation – a guide for HEFRCs

What is this about?

With this guide, Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres (HEFRCs) wishing to implement an ETHNA System will learn how to monitor and respond to the potential societal contributions of research and innovation (R&I). You will gain insight into the benefits of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in addressing transitions related to the challenges of our time.

Based on stakeholder statements and perspectives gathered through literature reviews, surveys and deliberative workshops, you will get answers to the question of how organisations can best identify societal needs in order to address today’s most pressing demands. The guide highlights the different stakeholder viewpoints, draws on key findings from other EU-funded projects such as EURAXESS, BOHEMIA or PE2020 and consults a variety of networks such as, ECsite, EUSEA, GenPORT, Scientix, EUCYS, RRI Tools, ENRIO, ENERI, EURAXESS.

Following the success story of “The European Charter for Researchers” and “The Code of Conduct for Recruitment”, which address the need for a consolidated and structured EU research policy, you will get inspiration and motivation to create an ETHNA System Code of Ethics and Good Practices (CEGP).

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