Approved revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- 3 Ways to Blow the Whistle
- The Limits of Expertise
- Data Sharing
- Open data: improving transparency, reproducibility and collaboration in science
- MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice
- What is Recklessness in Scientific Research?
- Rainy Days for a Struggling Mentee
- Data management
- Using data not created for research purposes in the context of collaboration with private companies
- Italian National Research Center Guidelines for Integrity in Research
- Author accused of stealing research and publishing under their name
- The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
- Annual review of ethics (case studies)
- Legal Requests/Requirements for Confidential Data From Research Field Notes
- Is the famous emeritus professor self-plagiarising?
- Columbia grad student faked data in study of socioeconomics and life experiences, says retraction notice
- History Educators in the Western Balkans Participate in New Training with “Once Upon a Time…We Lived Together. 1900-1945”
- Ten short cases on publication ethics
- Bioethics: an introduction
- Authorship Deserved, Not Earned: Research Ethics and Research Integrity Scenario
- Authorship and publication
- European Meteorological Society (EMS) Code of Practice for communicating knowledge on climate change to the public
- Handling of Sexual Harassment Case Poses Larger Questions at Yale
- Australian Codes for the Responsible Conduct of Research
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: Another Magazine Surprise
- Recognizing scientific artifacts in biomedical literature
- Eforcement Agencies and the Protection of Human Subjects
- Possible omission of information essential for conclusions in a research paper
- Authorship in a Multi-Center Clinical Trial: the HF-ACTION Experience
- Online course: Teaching the Responsible Conduct of Research in Humans
- Ethics Code of the Slovak Academy of Sciences: Addendum
- Protecting an endangered species: training physicians to conduct clinical research.
- The Runaway Wife
- Academic and research misconduct in the PhD: Issues for students and supervisors
- Statutes and Procedures of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- German Council of Science and Humanities' Requirements for the Quality Assurance of the Doctorate
- Guidance on the Management of Clinical Trials during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Resource:A2d0fbfb-d762-4868-8768-c0adfbb46ac0
- The ASA's Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose
- Dubious Peer Reviews Lead to 10 Retractions
- Joint position paper of the General Faculty (AFT) and the German University Association (DHV)
- European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) Code of Conduct
- Cape Town Statement on Research Integrity
- The Larnaca College (Cyprus) Statement on Research Integrity
- Montreal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaborations
- Intellectual property and power imbalance
- Lapses in Oversight Compromise Omics Results
- Misrepresenting the characteristics of research participants in psychiatric studies
- The Suspect Questionnaire
- Changing a grant proposal to meet the reviewers requests