Requirements (Has Requirements)

From The Embassy of Good Science
List the requirements for giving or taking part in the course (max. 75 words)

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This material is part of the VIRT2UE train the trainer program and is meant for trainers and trainees involved in the training. You need to have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past.  +
This is the second of a four part series. The other three series are: [[Instruction:6ceba4e4-fb32-4953-9138-5436807fcde6|"Introduction to Research Integrity]]" and [[Instruction:43c900ea-a317-4528-8ece-1f3fb3564867|"Virtue ethics under current research conditions]]" and [ "Introduction to responsible supervision, mentoring and role-modeling".] You need to have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past. '''VIRT2UE Online modules privacy statement''' This privacy statement regards the VIRT2UE online modules. The modules are part of the VIRT2UE training program. They are produced by the VIRT2UE consortium and made freely and openly available on the [ Github platform]. '''''All information of users remains client side''''' At no point during the use of the VIRT2UE online modules is any personal information collected or saved. Information entered into the modules remains ‘client side’ and is not sent back to servers, nor made available for use by third parties. '''''Entering personal information in the modules''''' At some places in the modules the user is invited to type input in open fields. Information entered into these fields is not sent back to any server. None of the entered information can be traced back to the user. It is not obligatory to use these fields. Users can also choose to document their responses elsewhere, for instance on paper. [ Contact us] if you have any further questions.  +
This is one of a four part series. The other three series are: [[Instruction:86f47366-a189-4395-9301-36ddb6d1fc68|"Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity"]] , [[Instruction:43c900ea-a317-4528-8ece-1f3fb3564867|"Virtue ethics under current research conditions]] and [ "Introduction to responsible supervision, mentoring and role-modeling".] You should have experience of research in practice (e.g. be employed as a researcher) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past. '''VIRT2UE Online modules privacy statement''' This privacy statement regards the VIRT2UE online modules. The modules are part of the VIRT2UE training program. They are produced by the [ VIRT2UE consortium] and made freely and openly available on the [ Github platform]. '''''All information of users remains client side''''' At no point during the use of the VIRT2UE online modules is any personal information collected or saved. Information entered into the modules remains ‘client side’ and is not sent back to servers, nor made available for use by third parties. '''''Entering personal information in the modules''''' At some places in the modules the user is invited to type input in open fields. Information entered into these fields is not sent back to any server. None of the entered information can be traced back to the user. It is not obligatory to use these fields. Users can also choose to document their responses elsewhere, for instance on paper. [ Contact us] if you have any further questions.  +
This is one of a four part series. The other three series are: [ "Introduction to Research Integrity"] , [[Instruction:86f47366-a189-4395-9301-36ddb6d1fc68|"Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity"]] and [[Instruction:43c900ea-a317-4528-8ece-1f3fb3564867|"Virtue ethics under current research conditions]]". You should have experience of research in practice (e.g. be employed as a researcher) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past. '''VIRT2UE Online modules privacy statement''' This privacy statement concerns the VIRT2UE online modules. The modules are part of the VIRT2UE training program. They are produced by the VIRT2UE consortium and made freely and openly available on the [ Github platform]. '''''All information of users remains client side''''' At no point during the use of the VIRT2UE online modules is any personal information collected or saved. Information entered into the modules remains ‘client side’ and is not sent back to servers, nor made available for use by third parties. '''''Entering personal information in the modules''''' At some places in the modules the user is invited to type input in open fields. Information entered into these fields is not sent back to any server. None of the entered information can be traced back to the user. It is not obligatory to use these fields. Users can also choose to document their responses elsewhere, for instance on paper. [ Contact us] if you have any further questions.  +
Bu materyal, VIRT2UE eğitmen eğitimi programının bir parçası olup bu program dahilinde eğitim alan ve eğitim veren kişiler için hazırlanmıştır. Bu bölüme devam etmek için pratikte araştırma deneyiminizin olması (örn., araştırmacı olarak çalışıyor olmanız) ya da geçmişte araştırma deneyimi edinmiş bir eğitmen/ eğitimci/ öğretmen olmanız gerekmektedir.  +
This course is destined to PhD students.  +
Bu modül, VIRT2UE online derslerinin bir parçası olup şu modüller tamamlandıktan sonra alınmalıdır: <u>“[ Araştırma doğruluğu konusuna giriş]”</u> ve <u>“[ Erdem etiği ve araştırma doğruluğu]”</u>. Bu modülü almak için pratikte araştırma deneyiminizin olması (örn., araştırmacı olarak çalışıyor olmanız) ya da geçmişte araştırma deneyimi edinmiş bir eğitmen/ eğitimci/ öğretmen olmanız gerekmektedir.  +
You need to have read the instructions before experiencing the exercise. Moreover, you need to be familiar with: a) The concept of [[Theme:520b3bc7-a6ab-4617-95f2-89c9dee31c53|virtue]] and its importance for research integrity; b) The concept of a [[Theme:B4f7b2e3-af61-4466-94dc-2504affab5a8|norm;]] c) The concept of a moral [[Theme:17d406f9-0b0f-4325-aa2d-2fe186d5ff34|dilemma]]; d) Section 1 of the [ European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity]. To fully benefit from this exercise you should have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past.  +
Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemeden önce ilgili talimatları okumuş olmanız gerekmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, aşağıdaki kavramlara da aşina olmanız gerekmektedir: a)    <u>[ Ahlaki ikilem]</u> kavramı; b) <u>[ Diyalog]</u> kavramı. Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemek için pratikte araştırma deneyiminizin olması (örn., araştırmacı olarak çalışıyor olmanız) ya da geçmişte araştırma deneyimi edinmiş bir eğitmen/ eğitimci/ öğretmen olmanız gerekmektedir.  +
Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemeden önce ilgili talimatları okumuş olmanız gerekmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, aşağıdaki kavramlara da aşina olmanız gerekmektedir: a)      <u>[ Ahlaki ikilem]</u> kavramı; b)      <u>[ Diyalog]</u> kavramı. Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemek için pratikte araştırma deneyiminizin olması (örn., araştırmacı olarak çalışıyor olmanız) ya da geçmişte araştırma deneyimi edinmiş bir eğitmen/eğitimci/öğretmen olmanız gerekmektedir.  +
Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemeden önce ilgili talimatları okumuş olmanız gerekmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, aşağıdaki kavramlara da aşina olmanız gerekmektedir: a)      <u>[ Ahlaki ikilem]</u> kavramı; b)      <u>[ Diyalog]</u> kavramı. Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemek için pratikte araştırma deneyiminizin olması (örn., araştırmacı olarak çalışıyor olmanız) ya da geçmişte araştırma deneyimi edinmiş bir eğitmen/eğitimci/öğretmen olmanız gerekmektedir  +
In order to facilitate this training, you should have completed the VIRT2UE training. You need to have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past. You need to have a basic understanding of, and real interest in, research integrity.  +
Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemeden önce ilgili talimatları okumuş olmanız gerekmektedir. Bu alıştırmayı deneyimlemeden önce ilgili talimatları okumuş olmanız gerekmektedir: a)    <u>[ Erdem]</u> kavramı ve AED için önemi; b)    “Orta yol” ya da Aristoteles tarafından tanımlandığı şekliyle altın orta kavramı (<u>[ videoyu]</u> izleyiniz) c)     [ <u>Araştırmalarda Dürüstlük Konusunda Avrupa Davranış Kodu’nun</u>] içeriği (özellikle ilk bölüm); d) <u>[ Diyalog ve münazara]</u> kavramları. Bu alıştırma için pratikte araştırma deneyiminizin olması (örn., araştırmacı olarak çalışıyor olmanız) ya da geçmişte araştırma deneyimi edinmiş bir eğitmen/ eğitimci/ öğretmen olmanız gerekmektedir.  +
Participants should have read the instruction pages of the 5 participatory exercises included in the VIRT2UE training ([[Instruction:64cb2917-6ee4-44ca-ad3b-b998bc6786ea|Self-Declaration Approach]]; [[Instruction:Ac206152-effd-475b-b8cd-7e5861cb65aa|Debate and Dialogue]]; [[Instruction:747f4d61-3c97-4c4b-acd9-4d69c95f134b|Virtues and Norms]]; [[Instruction:522ba3d0-9f26-41d5-9ecf-b4c88214887c|The middle position]]; and [[Instruction:A0dd2e82-52e7-4030-a396-54525630e75c|Dilemma game]]) before participating in the (face to face) group sessions. This material is meant for trainers and trainees involved in the training. You should have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past.  +
This material is part of the VIRT2UE train the trainer program and is meant for trainers and trainees involved in the training. You need to have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past.  +
This material is part of the VIRT2UE train the trainer program and is meant for trainers and trainees involved in the training. You need to have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past.  +
This course is destined to PhD students.  +
This course is destined to PhD students.  +
This course course is destined to senior researchers who have also a role as mentors and/or supervisors.  +
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