Preparatory Reading: Introduction to Concepts & Themes

From The Embassy of Good Science

Preparatory Reading: Introduction to Concepts & Themes

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
Related Initiative
These instructions provide an overview of the readings and assignments introducing the concepts and issues addressed in the VIRT2UE training.

This material is part of the VIRT2UE train the trainer program and is meant for trainers and trainees involved in the training.

You need to have a background in research (i.e. be employed as researchers) or be a trainer/educator/teacher who has had experience in research in the past.
Duration (hours)
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What is this about?

The assignments in preparation for the face-to- face training provide a basic understanding of the concepts used in the course (such as research integrity virtues, values, norms, moral dilemma and moral conflict) and prepare you for the exercises you are going to experience in the face to face sessions.
Read more
Learn about virtue ethics and research integrity

Read about virtue ethics and its relevance for research integrity. Open the page about virtues in research integrity.

Learn about moral conflict and moral dilemmas

Get acquainted with the concepts of moral conflict and moral dilemmas. Open the page on moral conflict and moral dilemma.

Read about the definition of values and norms

Get acquainted with the concepts of values and norms. Open the page about values and norms.

Learn about the definition and differences between debate and dialogue

Read about the concept of debate and dialogue and reflect on the differences between the two. Open the page about dialogue versus debate.

Reflect on your experience

In preparation for the first face-to-face session, you are required to reflect on your own experience by filling in the following forms:

I. Self-declaration sheet, (will be sent to you by your trainer)

II. Case reflection form (see step 1 of the Virtues and norms instructions)

Don't forget to send the forms to your trainers before the session.

NOTE: this step is not mandatory.


This training has been developed by the VIRT2UE project, which has received funding form the European Union’s H2020 research programme under grant agreement N 741782.

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