Good Practices & Misconduct (Has Good Practice And Misconduct)

From The Embassy of Good Science
Add or select one or more good practices or misconducts

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
RI in general  +, Ethical decision making  +, Authorship  +,
Authorship  +, Mentor/trainee relationship  +, Grant applications  +,
Breach of Material Transfer Agreement  +, Mentor-trainee relationship  +, Intellectual property  +
Conflict of Interest  +, patent breach  +, disclosing confidential information  +
RI in general  +, Data management  +
Authorship  +, Animal ethics  +, Research with Humans  +,
Supervision  +, Supervisor-student relationship  +, Mentor-trainee relationship  +,
Objectivity  +, Impartiality  +, Independence  +,
Authorship  +, Plagiarism  +
Data Issues  +, Data fabrication and falsification  +
Fabrication  +, Drug Development  +, False Data  +,
Patient safety  +, Informed consent  +, Deception  +
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