Irish National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity
From The Embassy of Good Science
Irish National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity
What is this about?
The aim of this statement is to commit the main organisations in Irish research to the highest standards of integrity in carrying out their research so that partners and other stakeholders, and the international research community may have full confidence in the Irish research system.
Why is this important?
The Irish Universities Association and its member institutions have long been committed to the highest standards of research conduct and integrity, and individual institutions have procedures in place to underpin this. Similar commitments to upholding integrity have been made by IoTI and its members, and by DIT and other organisations. However, the transparency of policy and practice will be enhanced by publication of a national statement which clarifies policy and sets out agreed good practice in promoting and ensuring research integrity. This commitment is shared by the universities, IoTI, DIT, Teagasc, RCSI and the main Irish research funding agencies;in particular, the Health Research Board, Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, the Higher Education Authority and the Royal Irish Academy.
For whom is this important?
Other information
- Irish Universities Association (IUA)
- Health Research Board (HRB)
- Royal Iris Academy (RIA)
- Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
- Institutes of Technology Ireland (IoTI)
- Higher Education Authority (HEA)
- Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
- Enterprise Ireland (EI)
- Teagasc Irish Research Council (IRC)
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
- Quality and Quali cations Ireland (QQI)