Most linked-to pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 agess ordered by recently added
- 1997 (6 links)
- Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (6 links)
- Research Integrity and Research Ethics Scenarios for Teaching (6 links)
- For whom is this important? (6 links)
- Important For:Patients/participants (6 links)
- Important For:Regulators (6 links)
- RRI tools collection of resources (6 links)
- ORI Infographics (6 links)
- Guest Authorship, Mortality Reporting, and Integrity in Rofecoxib Studies (6 links)
- Moral reasoning (6 links)
- Has Method:Case analysis method (6 links)
- Path2Integrity (6 links)
- Scientific Misconduct and the Myth of Self-Correction in Science (6 links)
- PhD and Supervisor charter (KU Leuven) (6 links)
- Image Manipulation (6 links)
- Conflict of interests (6 links)
- European Commission (6 links)
- Long Distance Collaboration (6 links)
- 3 things societies can do to promote research integrity (6 links)
- Good stewardship (6 links)
- Incidental research findings (6 links)
- The Legacy of the Hwang Case: Research Misconduct in Biosciences (6 links)
- Five simple rules to avoid plagiarism (6 links)
- The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science (5 links)
- Good Epidemiological Practice Guidelines (5 links)
- Methodology (5 links)
- LS 03.12 - Stem cell biology (5 links)
- LS 05 - Neurosciences and Neural Disorders (5 links)
- INSPIRE Checklist (5 links)
- Experimental design (5 links)
- Good Practice and Reporting Cases in Finland (5 links)
- Instruction:1dcc08f4-54f6-4841-bf90-c43311924292 (5 links)
- Administrators and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) (5 links)
- The qualification portfolio (UMC Utrecht): from output to impact (5 links)
- Organised Crime Against the Academic Peer Review System (5 links)
- Fiction movies for RCR education (5 links)
- UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science (5 links)
- Case report: incidental finding of a giant cardiac mass (5 links)
- UK Research Integrity Office's Case Study Collection (5 links)
- Important For:police (5 links)
- Research metrics (5 links)
- Important For:Faculty members (5 links)
- Obligations to Research Subjects (5 links)
- Open learning research ethics (5 links)
- Ethical approval by necessary body (5 links)
- LS 09.05 - Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology (5 links)
- Multi-perspectivity (5 links)
- Conflicts of Interest in Research on Antipsychotic Treatment (5 links)
- Netherlands Position Paper on the Recognition and Rewards of Academics (5 links)
- " in your query was not closed by a matching " (5 links)