Short pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 s ordered by recently added
- (hist) Statistical Forensics. Check Rightmost Digits for Uniform Distribution [478 bytes]
- (hist) Cape Town Statement on Research Integrity [478 bytes]
- (hist) National Survey on Research Integrity [478 bytes]
- (hist) Romanian Scientists Fight Plagiarism [480 bytes]
- (hist) The Ghost Collaborator [480 bytes]
- (hist) SOPs4RI [482 bytes]
- (hist) ENERI [482 bytes]
- (hist) Conflicts of Interest in Research on Antipsychotic Treatment [491 bytes]
- (hist) The Swiss Report on Homeopathy: A Case Study of Research Misconduct [494 bytes]
- (hist) Instilling scholarly integrity [496 bytes]
- (hist) Organizing Academic Research Papers: Limitations of the Study [497 bytes]
- (hist) Reviewer’s Déjà Vu, French Science Sleuthing Uncover Plagiarized Papers [499 bytes]
- (hist) Would You Do a Post Doc with this Guy? [501 bytes]
- (hist) Peer Review. The nuts and bolts [501 bytes]
- (hist) Edanz. Writing Point: How To Write About Your Study Limitations Without Limiting Your Impact [505 bytes]
- (hist) Materials scientist up to nine retractions [513 bytes]
- (hist) UNE in Row Over Bullying Survey [515 bytes]
- (hist) An issue with insufficient data in the survey-resulting in a non-representative sample [516 bytes]
- (hist) Good scientific practice for courses in science and medicine [517 bytes]
- (hist) Psychology of misbehavior (in Dutch) [517 bytes]
- (hist) What my retraction taught me [520 bytes]
- (hist) Integrity Factor Glossary [522 bytes]
- (hist) Mentoring: failure [523 bytes]
- (hist) Reflections on the Cleveland Clinic Study of The Batista Operation [524 bytes]
- (hist) P-Values on Trial: Selective Reporting of (Best Practice Guides Against) Selective Reporting [527 bytes]
- (hist) Fake science: Who's to blame when the media gets research wrong? [527 bytes]
- (hist) When is Advanced Training Necessary? [529 bytes]
- (hist) TechEthos [529 bytes]
- (hist) Research Integrity flashcards [530 bytes]
- (hist) The Replication Crisis in Psychology [531 bytes]
- (hist) Payments to young researchers in Malawi [539 bytes]
- (hist) A Short Guide to the Digital Humanities [540 bytes]
- (hist) European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH) [540 bytes]
- (hist) Teaching the ethics of scientific research through novels [540 bytes]
- (hist) Climate science controversies and the demand for access to empirical data [541 bytes]
- (hist) Former Hwang colleague faked monkey data [545 bytes]
- (hist) Preprints. Instructions for Authors [545 bytes]
- (hist) Misuse of grant money for personal purposes [547 bytes]
- (hist) The Larnaca College (Cyprus) Statement on Research Integrity [547 bytes]
- (hist) The Nutty Professor [548 bytes]
- (hist) Online Module: Responsible research and Peer Review [551 bytes]
- (hist) Neurogenetics study was unethical says NNI report [552 bytes]
- (hist) Authorship: video [553 bytes]
- (hist) Covering Controversial Science: Improving Reporting on Science and Public Policy [558 bytes]
- (hist) Oviedo Convention [559 bytes]
- (hist) Five steps to decide what data to keep: a checklist for appraising research data [560 bytes]
- (hist) DOAB [562 bytes]
- (hist) Online Module: Research Misconduct [563 bytes]
- (hist) INSPIRE [565 bytes]
- (hist) The Tadpole Paper Mill [565 bytes]