Orphaned pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in The Embassy of Good Science.
50 s ordered by recently added
- What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing?
- UKRIO's Good practice in internet-mediated research
- Research Integrity: the Experience of a Doubting Thomas
- Disclosure of Sources of Grant Funds
- The Three Rs of Animal Research
- RCR online course: build an online course to augment RCR training using evidenced-based learning theory
- Scientists in Chile Protest Mummy Study
- What to communicate in retraction notices?
- Duplicate publication uprooted from plant journal
- Harms and benefits - International research ethics and cultural values
- Community's of Practice Datamanagement & Privacy
- Instilling scholarly integrity
- It’s Still Plagiarism
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Background Section
- Slow Code
- Community consultation and public disclosure: preliminary results from a new model
- Code of Ethics of the Croatian Science Foundation (April 2018)
- Credit for work
- Protecting Research Subjects
- Open Access Policy at Czech Academy of Sciences
- UKRIO's Guidance for researchers on retractions in academic journals
- Studying colonial artefacts with integrity
- An issue with insufficient data in the survey-resulting in a non-representative sample
- Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage
- The Dutch anthropologist making up data and papers
- Irish Council for Bioethics' Recommendations for Promoting Research Integrity
- Research ethics committee conditions: Ethical challenges of researching with poor communities in Malawi
- Bias in hiring
- Responsible conduct in research
- The value of respect in human research ethics: a conceptual analysis and a practical guide
- Collaboration dispute
- Irish Universities Quality Board's Good Practice for Institutional Research in Irish Higher Education
- PRBB Code of Good Scientific Practice
- Writing usable qualitative health research findings
- Psychologist made up sex bias results
- Overview: underserved areas of education in the responsible conduct of research: authorship
- Research ethics in emerging forms of online learning: Issues arising from a hypothetical study on a MOOC
- Outsourcing animal experimentation
- Protecting peer review: Correspondence chronology and ethical analysis regarding logothetis vs. shmuel and leopold
- When is Advanced Training Necessary?
- Team-based learning instruction for responsible conduct of research positively impacts ethical decision-making
- The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers' (DHV) Position Paper on Scientific Self-regulation and Scientific Misconduct
- Business Ethics Perspectives: Faculty Plagiarism and Fraud
- Self help in medical ethics
- Policy documents of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)
- Reported goals for responsible conduct of research courses
- Japan fails to settle university dispute
- Self-plagiarism and suspected salami publishing
- You want to do what? Paper on anal swabs for COVID-19 retracted for ethical issues
- Official notice published for chem paper slated for retraction in 2011