Research Area (Related To Research Area)
From The Embassy of Good Science
PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering +
LS 07.08 - Health services, health care research +
Clinical medicine +
Health sciences +
Contentious problems in bioscience and biotechnology: a pilot study of an approach to ethics education +
LS 09.09 - Applied biotechnology (non-medical), bioreactors, applied microbiology +
SH - Social Sciences and Humanities +
Biological sciences +
PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering +
SH 02.08 - Legal studies, constitutions, comparative law, human rights +
History and archaeology +
PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering +
SH - Social Sciences and Humanities +
SH - Social Sciences and Humanities +
SH - Social Sciences and Humanities +
SH - Social Sciences and Humanities +
PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering +