Biobanking: a group reflection on ethical issues - using an imaginary line
From The Embassy of Good Science
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Biobanking: a group reflection on ethical issues - using an imaginary line
Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
This short interactive workshop introduces some of the ethical challenges related to biobanking. Using statements, it aims to encourage reflection on ethical issues related to this technology among master students.
Steps for trainers
- Welcome 10 min
- Mindmap on Biobanking 10 min
- Mini Lecture on Biobanking and Technology Basics 15 min
- Mini Lecture on Biobanking and Ethics Issues 15 min
- Reflection 15 min
- Statements 25 min
- Mindmap 15 min
- Closing 15 min
For trainers: complete the two eneri e-learning module on Biobanking:
Duration (hours)
For whom is this important?
Practical Tips
- Familiarize yourself with the irecs materials on biobanking and identify where are the videos and cases you will use for this session
- Test all needed digital tools (digital whiteboards, etc.) and think of materials (such as tape) needed for an (imaginary) line in the room in advance.
- Be aware of the diverse cultural and regulatory backgrounds of the trainees in your group.
- Share additional resources and the rest of e-modules at the end of the session.
- Collect feedback through the evaluation form to improve future sessions.
Other information