Mind-mapping exercise: Instructions for training researchers about ethics issues on gene editing

From The Embassy of Good Science

Mind-mapping exercise: Instructions for training researchers about ethics issues on gene editing

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
This short interactive workshop introduces the ethical challenges in gene editing. Using a real case, it aims to encourage reflection on ethical issues related to this technology among junior researchers.

For trainers:

Complete the two eneri e-learning module on Gene Editing: Gene Editing: Ethics Issues Eneri and Gene Editing: Technology Basics Eneri

For trainees:

No prior expertise in gene editing is required, but participants should have a basic understanding of some basics for research ethics. To do that, trainees can complete the eneri e-learning module on Research Ethics And Integrity Basics Eneri
Duration (hours)
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Practical Tips

  • Familiarize yourself with the irecs materials on gene editing and identify where are the videos and cases you will use for this session
  • Test all needed digital tools (Mentimeter, digital whiteboards, etc.) in advance.  
  • Be aware of the diverse cultural and regulatory backgrounds of the trainees in your group.
  • Share additional resources and the rest of e-modules at the end of the session.
  • Collect feedback through the evaluation form to improve future sessions.
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