Responsible Open Science

From The Embassy of Good Science
Instructions for:TraineeTrainer

Related Initiative

Citizen Scientists

Via this module learners gain an understanding of the principles and values of open science, including its ethical foundations and societal benefits.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Identify potential risks to human research participants within the context of citizen science, and b) Understand strategies to minimize risks to research participants when practising citizen science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Comprehend the role of citizen science in identifying and addressing scientific problems and societal challenges, and b) Recognize the right of citizen scientists to be acknowledged by academic scientists and society.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to understand the importance of the quality of data sets and research outputs and their responsible use in open science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Understand the concept of conflict of interest and how to deal with it, and b) Recognise and disclose financial and non-financial conflicts of interest in the context of citizen science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Understand the risks to the environment, plants, animals, and ecosystems in the context of citizen science and b) Understand how to minimize risks to the environment, plants, animals, and ecosystems when practising citizen science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
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