Preparatory Viewing: Introduction to Concepts & Themes

From The Embassy of Good Science

Preparatory Viewing: Introduction to Concepts & Themes

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
Related Initiative
The VIRT2UE project has developed videos introducing the concept of Research Integrity. These are available on The Embassy youtube channel.
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Moral Disengagement in Research

This video explores how researchers’ moral judgments can be affected by individual and contextual factors, explained by the VIRT2UE project for The Embassy of Good Science.


An exploration of how moral disengagement may occur among researchers due to maladaptive strategies to address conflicting imperatives in science. A virtue ethics approach might prevent the process of moral disengagement. In the video, the risk of moral disengagement is explored, as well as the importance of virtues in research and systems fostering research integrity.

Ethical Decision Making in Research

In this video, ethical and unethical research behaviors are explained.

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The video translates three common frameworks for ethical analysis (deontology, consequentialism, virtue ethics) into the context of research. These frameworks are described as complementary, since science may be seen as a communal practice that strives towards a common good (utilitarianism), which can only be done in compliance with certain principles, rules, and codes inherent in the scientific endeavor (deontology). Virtue ethics may foster the best side of deontology and consequentialism, as a virtuous person is both informed by rules or beneficial consequences and knows how to apply rules and how to appreciate consequences by having insight into concrete situations.

Research Integrity Networks

During the 2019 World Conference on Research Integrity in Hong Kong, we asked experts on the importance and usefulness of Research Integrity networks. Research Integrity Networks3.png

What is Research Integrity?

During the 2019 World Conference on Research Integrity in Hong Kong, we asked experts to explain the concept of Research Integrity.
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Research Integrity Education: What do experts say?

During the 2019 World Conference on Research Integrity in Hong Kong, we asked experts on their opinions and views on Research Integrity education.
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