IRECS Training format (template)

From The Embassy of Good Science

IRECS Training format (template)

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
Related Initiative
This trainig template supports IRECS trainers in the organization and planning of topical sessions for specific target groups on the content presented in the IRECS modules on Biobanking, AI health, Virtual reality and Gene editing.
Participants and trainers who engage with these sessions should prepare using the IRECs online module relevant for the topic addressed in the session.  
Duration (hours)
Part of

It is strongly recommended to circulate the relevant "technology basics" e-modules among participants prior to the training. Trainers can consult this page to get some guidance on how to navigate the concent of the modules. Trainers should select the most pertinent modules from those developed by the project, aligning their choices with the session's specific topic.

Guidance for irecs training materials available at

Selecting learning goals

Trainers should develop specific learning goals for their session. The learning objectives for these sessions should align with those of the e-learning modules. General expected outcomes at the end of these sessions include the following:

  • Participants should be knowledgeable on relevant literature, developments and regulations with regards to the topic addressed
  • They should be able to indicate what ethical issues are pressing regarding research concerning specific technologies
  • They should be able to apply relevant ethical concerns on realistic cases
  • They should be aware how learning materials are relevant for their professional/academic context

Welcome & introduction

1) Introduce yourself and share the plan for the session.

2) Introduce the learning Objectives.

3) Use warm up question to introduce the topic: use this as an interactive exercise before starting with the session. Ask participants one of these questions, encouraging participants to share their answers with the group:

o  What’s one word that comes to mind when you think of [the topic of the session]?

o  What's one aspect of [this topic] that makes you feel excited or uneasy?

4) Briefly introduce the topic (use the irecs modules for inspiration)

Ice breaker

The aim of this activity is to invite participants to reflect on their expectations. This is useful both for trainers and participants.

Trainers can pick between two possible activities:

A)   OPTION 1: Mind map activity → small group activity: in sub-groups participants create a mind map of their current knowledge on the topic.The following steps can support trainers in organizing this activity:

o  Divide participants into subgroups.

o  Provide each group with a digital (or physical) board.

o  Ask them to brainstorm and write down the words that come to mind when they think of [the topic of the session].

o  Ask them to divide the terms into:

-  Topics they want to learn more about.

- Topics they are already familiar with.

B)    OPTION 2: Learning goals with Mentimeter

o  Prepare and share a  Mentimeter (or similar tool) with the following question: after this session I expect to be able to…

o  Ask participants to submit two goals, project the results and discuss them with the group.

Warm up - case reflection

Introduce a case (please select one among the ones presented in the IRECs module on the topic of the session). Ask participants to identify the main ethical issues in the case  (the aim to increase awareness of the issues related with the topic introduced in the session). You can use the following question to encourage conversation among participants:

- What are the main ethical issues in this case?

Trainer Tip Allow for a brief open discussion but keep it focused to ensure you stay within the allocated time.

Interactive/expert lecture

To introduce participants to the topic, you can either invite an expert to give a lecture or present the topic yourself (perhaps you are the expert).

Your lecture should cover the core ethical concepts related to [the topic of this session] and apply them to practical cases. The IRECS modules, including videos and examples, can be used to develop your lecture.

You can find an example of this here.

After the lecure dedicate 10 min to Q&A (if you are working with an expert some questions can be prepared in advance to get the discussion going).

Trainer Tip Use questions to keep the lecture dynamic and engaging. Consider takinga breack at this point.

Interactive session

Split up the group (if more than 10 people attend) in smaller groups. For this session you can pick among the following activities. Each of these activities have been presented in a separate module and applied to a specific topic. You can use these instructions as a guide and adapt the format to your training topic.

·       Case study

·       Mind mapping

·       Role play

·      Think out lound

At the end of the group work facilitate a plenary reflection, reporting back and harvesting results of subgroups’ discussion.

Final reflection / take-home message

Facilitate a discussion about the topic's relevance to participants' professional lives/studies (splitting into smaller groups if needed) and guide them in formulating key take-home message.


Return to the icebreaker activity or learning goals (mind mapping or Mentimeter results) and ask participants if their expectations were met.

Share a QR code linking to the evaluation form and online modules for continued learning.

Thank participants for their contributions and encourage them to apply their insights in their work and spread the word about the irecs modules.


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