Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise))

From The Embassy of Good Science

Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise))

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
See the original version of the exercise.
Duration (hours)
For whom is this important?

Ask the participants to ll out the preparation sheet and to submit it prior to the training. Read the submitted material and select some examples to use during the (plenary phase of the) exercise.


Introduce the exercise, it's objectives and the 'varieties of goodness'.

Example of one Variety of Goodness in research

Plenary discussion of oneVariety of Goodness in research. The trainer prepared a presentation including:

  • Brief explanation of this Variety of Goodness
  • Links the Variety of Goodness to research
  • Links ECoC to this Variety of Goodness
  • Links examples for the preparation sheet by participants to the Variety of Goodness
In each step of the reflection on this Variety of Goodness, the trainer asks the participants to also name examples of research, the code of conduct and own experiences.

Create subgroups

The group is divide in subgroups of 3-5 participants. The groups each pick a different Variety of Goodness that they will start working on. In case there are more Varieties of Goodness than subgroups, the trainer decides together with the participants which Varieties of Goodness will be used. The difficulty of grasping the concept or the similarities between varieties may be taken into account.

Round 1 - reflection on research

Each subgroup receives a flip-over sheet and marker. The name of Variety of Goodness is written on top of the flip-over sheet. The participants think in subgroups of the link between the Variety of Goodness and research and make notes on the flip-over sheet. The trainer encourages them to also use arrows, drawings or other symbols that help to picture their reflection on this Variety of Goodness in research .

Round 2 - reflection on the Code of Conduct

The participants move clockwise to the next flip-over sheet*, so each subgroup now works on another Variety of Goodness. First they read what the previous group wrote down (or drew) on the sheet. They can augment on it, or ask questions to the other group in case they don't fully understand what's on the sheet.

Their task now is to link the Code of Conduct to the Variety of Goodness. Looking at the work of the previous group can help them to identify the relevant paragraphs.

*depending on the logistics in the room, you can also chose to let the subgroups stay at their table and move around the flip-over sheets.

Round 3 - reflection on own experiences

Again the Variety of Goodness are rotated (either by rotating the groups of the sheets to the next table). After reading, where possible augmenting and asking questions on the previous work done on the sheet, the subgroups now reflect on the Variety of Goodness by relating it to their own experiences. They can look back at their preparation sheets and see if they recognize the Variety of Goodness in there. Maybe the work that is presented on the sheet or the examples given by others also trigger new examples.

Optional round

The same exercise as in round 3 can be repeated with the next group. The number of rounds is dependent of the number of subgroups and the time available.

Final round - reflection on the results

This round is especially important when there are more subgroups than rounds, because in that case not all participants have reflected on the different Varieties of Goodness that are discussed. The task of the subgroup is to summarize what is on the sheet and to select the main take home messages of the sheet. The trainer might also ask the groups to select what they found striking or surprising.


Each subgroup presents the results of the last round to the other groups.

The trainer thanks the participants for their work and the sharing of personal examples; recaps the lessons learnt and might refer to the objectives of the exercise that were presented at the start.

End with evaluation.

Depending on the agreements made prior to the training, the trainer might take a photo of each sheet and share these photo's with the participants so each can look back at the results.

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