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<u>RI training </u> The Austrian Agency for Research Integrity offers training for researchers in the form of workshops, lectures, and train-the-trainer programs. The training is not mandatory. The Agency delivers via their web page various documents regarding the promotion of research integrity (guidelines, reports, recommendations) that can be used for training. Moreover, the Agency participates in several EU projects related to research integrity ([ ENERI], [ VIRT2UE] and [ SOPs4RI]). It has created [ Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice]. Some universities in Austria have also created guidelines on good scientific practice: Medical University of Graz - [ Standards of Good Scientific Practice and Ombuds Committee], Graz University of Technology - [ Guidelines on Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice], University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna – [ Good Scientific Practice], University of Linz - [ Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice], University of Klagenfurt - [ Ombudsman Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice and Code of Conduct for Good Academic Practice]. Austrian Agency for Research Integrity participates in the ENRIO meetings and organises workshops and training session for research integrity '"`UNIQ--ref-000001B9-QINU`"'. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The members of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are engaged in informing the general public of important scientific insights and they form committees to discuss questions which are important for the science and society '"`UNIQ--ref-000001BA-QINU`"'. Usually, cases of research integrity are dealt with in confidence and decisions are not made public. Some cases of misconduct were reported in the press. There are several initiatives from projects on responsible research and innovation and science shops, “Wiener Vorlesungen” '"`UNIQ--ref-000001BB-QINU`"'. The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) publishes statistics on suspected cases in an anonymous form, and is updated annually '"`UNIQ--ref-000001BC-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-000001BD-QINU`"'. RI is discussed in the lay press occasionally. The cases that are discussed the most are related to research fraud. <u>RI incentives</u> Austria offers a number of incentives for research companies as well as for individual researchers in R&D. Whoever carries out research in Austria pays a lower tax. Funding Agencies work on the promotion of R&D by providing generous funding for research projects '"`UNIQ--ref-000001BE-QINU`"'. There are also several awards for contributions in research or scholarships for young researchers in different research areas. Some universities also offer awards for research, e.g. [ University of Innsbruck]. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Austrian agency for research integrity training] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Wittgenstein Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The START Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Klaus Liebscher Scholarship] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Olga Radzyner Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Franz Weninger Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-000001BF-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training</u> To become members of a local ethics committee, candidates must finish training course and obtain the certificate. Moreover, members of the Multi-Centre Ethics Committee have to complete basic training regarding legal provisions '"`UNIQ--ref-0000006A-QINU`"'. There are also annual training courses organised by Bulgarian Drug Agency '"`UNIQ--ref-0000006B-QINU`"'. Ethics committees organise seminars and training but there is no information regarding their frequency. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> Bulgarian Academy of Sciences promotes open access policy through conferences and meetings '"`UNIQ--ref-0000006C-QINU`"'. European Researcher’s Night is organised annually in different Bulgarian cities and aims to bring science closer to the general public. The event is composed of workshops and presentations to engage the general public in science by presenting scientific results and knowledge '"`UNIQ--ref-0000006D-QINU`"'. From its very first year (2011), Sofia Science Festival has attracted a large number of supporters. It is a space where there is no dividing line between culture and science. The Festival is a founding member of the Bulgarian Festivals Association '"`UNIQ--ref-0000006E-QINU`"'. Apart from that, online journal presents science results, policies and instruments in cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science and Science Forum Association '"`UNIQ--ref-0000006F-QINU`"'. Although some interest in academic integrity and plagiarism was apparent in Bulgaria, the low teacher and management response rates demonstrate a reluctance to discuss this topic. No evidence of specific research was found within the country about academic integrity or of people actively trying to bring about changes to improve practices nationally or locally '"`UNIQ--ref-00000070-QINU`"'. There is a small group of social scientists in the field of Science and Technology Studies (Bulgarian academy of science) who started working on Science ethics, Responsible research and innovation; Research integrity in 2002. At present there is training for young researchers: “Ethics in Science and technology”, which has been implemented in universities and research institutes. The public perception of the role of RI in Bulgaria is low. This appears in many ways a more general problem in many European countries. However, interesting examples exist in which an all-party parliamentary consensus can be developed with both academia and business to secure widespread support for a major national effort on RI '"`UNIQ--ref-00000071-QINU`"'. Occasionally research integrity is discussed in the press. <u>RI incentives</u> The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency is responsible for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions and research organizations with aim of assuring high academic standards '"`UNIQ--ref-00000072-QINU`"'. There are also several annual rewards for researchers in different scientific disciplines. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Basic training for the members of the Ethics Committee for Multi-Centre trials on the legal instruments] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The John Atanasoff Award of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Pythagoras Awards of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ National Competition Young Talents of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-00000073-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training</u> There is no mandate for RI training but some elements of RI are a part of higher education programmes, especially at doctoral programmes and at some research-oriented studies, such as psychology or sociology (e.g. there are subjects in curriculum such as “Ethics in psychological research and practice” or “Ethical issues in sociological research”). Also, there are initiatives to introduce RI into undergraduate education, in the form of elective courses '"`UNIQ--ref-00000223-QINU`"', and for PhD students, young researchers and experienced researchers as well, in the form of summer school programmes '"`UNIQ--ref-00000224-QINU`"'. Some institutions have an official RI Advisor for doctoral students '"`UNIQ--ref-00000225-QINU`"' and RI checklists for supervisors and doctoral students '"`UNIQ--ref-00000226-QINU`"'. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The public perception of research integrity in Croatia and their trust in science is low. The system is perceived as corrupt '"`UNIQ--ref-00000227-QINU`"'. The lay press occasionally discusses the research integrity and it is usually related to cases of research fraud and academic corruption. It is not known whether there are rewards for collaborative science and incentives for networks. There have been some efforts to increase the value of research to society and reduce wasteful research. One of the examples is the Science Festival – a manifestation that has been continuously organized in Croatia since 2003 with the aim of bringing science closer to the public through information on activities and results in science, improving public perception of scientists and motivating young people to research and acquire new knowledge '"`UNIQ--ref-00000228-QINU`"'. Besides that, Croatian Scientific Portal is an attempt to consolidate information on Croatian scientists, their work and scientific projects with the goal to promote and popularize science in Croatia '"`UNIQ--ref-00000229-QINU`"'. <u>RI incentives</u> Research impact assessment and translation of research findings to the community is a part of the accreditation process for research and higher education institutions carried out by the Agency for Research and Higher Education '"`UNIQ--ref-0000022A-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Summer School on Responsible Research (University of Split School of Medicine)] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Ordinance on the Content of Licence and Conditions for Issuing Licence for Performing Higher Education Activity, Carrying Out a Study Programme and Re-Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Croatian National Science Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Croatian National Academy of Sciences and Arts Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-0000022B-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training</u> ''' ''' Danish Code of Conduct emphasizes the importance of teaching and training regarding research integrity as well as the responsibility of the research institution to ensure that adequate training and education is provided. Moreover, the Code of Conduct states that PhD and postdoctoral programmes should include specific research integrity teaching and training. Hence, universities and other research institutions provide training for the responsible conduct of research at all levels '"`UNIQ--ref-0000009A-QINU`"'. There are also various resources for RE and RI training: [ European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity] [ The Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty - Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice] [ The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity] <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> Ethics committees organise an annual meeting for their members and the national committee meets at least twice a year for the purposes of the coordination '"`UNIQ--ref-0000009B-QINU`"'. The [ Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science] under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science organises annual meetings with the key stakeholders in Danish research to work on the policies for the research integrity. Moreover, there are annual conferences organised by different research institutions regarding RI'"`UNIQ--ref-0000009C-QINU`"'. Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science actively works on the promotion of science among the general public. Thus, several events were organised to bring closer researchers, science and society. Moreover, the Ministry is active in the field of responsible research and innovations since it is important for the creation of a dialogue between researchers and citizens. Danish research institutions are participating in a number of Horizon 2020 projects aiming to build an effective approach for cooperation between science and society. In 2012 the Ministry of Higher Education and Science hosted the conference [ Science in Dialogue]. The goal of the conference was to discuss how to develop the dialogue and interaction between science and society. In 2014, the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science hosted [ Euroscience Open Forum] themed “Science Building Bridges”, as a symbol of closing the distance between science and society with aim of forging European scientific integration. The [ Danish Agency for Institutions and Educational Grants] manages programs to promote collaboration and interaction between companies and knowledge institutions '"`UNIQ--ref-0000009D-QINU`"'. The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has initiated the internationalisation of Danish science by bilateral cooperation agreements and Innovation Centres abroad. Centres ensure for Danish companies and research institution to access foreign knowledge, networks, technology, funds and markets '"`UNIQ--ref-0000009E-QINU`"'. Universities provide future plans for developing the dialogue between research and society '"`UNIQ--ref-0000009F-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-000000A0-QINU`"'. Denmark has a high level of social trust and people usually have a high level of trust in public institutions '"`UNIQ--ref-000000A1-QINU`"'. Cases of research misconduct are occasionally discussed in the lay press. <u>RI incentives</u> Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity emphasizes importance of implementing RI training at universities '"`UNIQ--ref-000000A2-QINU`"'. There are also award for outstanding and innovative researchers. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ RI training at PhD programmes] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Danish Accreditation Institution] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA)] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Elite Research Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Innovation Fund Denmark] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-000000A3-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> Courses in ethics constitute an integral part of higher education in Estonia. All Estonian universities offer introductory courses in ethics '"`UNIQ--ref-000000AE-QINU`"'. Important resource for RE and RI training is [ Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity]. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The statement of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU “Tallinn Call for Action 2017” emphasizes the importance of building trust between research and society on several levels including academia, media, research performing organisations and research funding organisations '"`UNIQ--ref-000000AF-QINU`"'. Collaborative science is promoted by the Estonian Research Council through various programs and organisations which offer project grants: [ Mobilitas Pluss partnership and Co-operation], [ Baltic Research Cooperation Programme], [ NordForsk], [ ERA-NET Cofund] and [ Bonus Programme]. In the personal research funding applications, one assessment criterion is international cooperation '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B0-QINU`"'. [ OpenGENE—Opening Estonian Genome Project for European Research Area] is conducted in order to raise public awareness of ethical issues related to gene banks and to increase people’s trust towards data banks '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B1-QINU`"'. The [ Estonian Research Information System (ETIS)] is a national register in which information on R&D institutions, researchers, projects and research results are presented and open for everyone '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B2-QINU`"'. Research Libraries responsible for the collection, preservation and processing of scientific information and making such information available by providing public services '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B3-QINU`"'. The Ethics Centre of the University of Tartu is mostly scientifically oriented but it is also active in addressing ethical topics in society '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B4-QINU`"'. It organises annual conferences and events for the promotion of ethics among different scientific disciplines '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B5-QINU`"'. Research ethics committees share information with each other twice per year seminars for research ethics committees are organised for the purposes of networking '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B6-QINU`"'. Lay press occasionally discusses research integrity. <u>RI incentives</u> University of Tallinn provides training in research integrity via some of its courses '"`UNIQ--ref-000000B7-QINU`"'. The Estonian Academy of Sciences offers support to its researchers through various awards. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Centre for Ethics (University of Tartu)] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Research ethics courses (University Tallinn)] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ National Research Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Endel Lippmaa Memorial Lecture and Memorial Medal] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Memorial medals (disciplinary)] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Medals of the Estonian Academy of Sciences] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Scholarships of the Academy] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Student research prizes] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-000000B8-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> There are various resources for RE and RI training. TENK has issued several guidelines. Research misconduct: [ Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland. Guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity 2012] [ Template for reporting allegations of violation of the responsible conduct of research (DOCX)] [ Recommendations of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK for Research Integrity Advisers] Ethical review in human sciences: [ The ethical principles of research with human participants and ethical review in the human sciences in Finland. Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK guidelines 2019] Curriculum vitae: [ Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae Template. Recommendation of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK 2020] [ Researcher's Curriculum Vitae Template. Recommendation of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK (DOCX)] Authorship: [ Agreeing on authorship. Recommendation for research publications] Doctoral dissertations: [ Supervision of doctoral dissertations and their review process in Finland with a special emphasis on research integrity. Recommendations to universities by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and Universities Finland UNIFI.] National Committee on Medical Research Ethics (TUKIJA) provides [ TUKIJA’s seminar materials] for RE and RI training. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> A “Science Barometer” is published every third year. It reflects opinions of the public to on the impact of research to the society and credibility of universities and other research institutions in comparison to other societal institutions (church, parliament, court, police etc.). According to the Barometer, public perception of research integrity and trust in science in Finland is on a high level '"`UNIQ--ref-00000289-QINU`"'. Research integrity is discussed in the lay press occasionally. The Finnish media wrote about scientific misconduct and TENK’s role and authority in the control of scientific misconduct '"`UNIQ--ref-0000028A-QINU`"'. <u>RI incentives</u> Research integrity is a party of institutional quality assessment in Finland '"`UNIQ--ref-0000028B-QINU`"'. The universities have a duty to organise an international research assessment every sixth year to measure the quality of research. The Academy of Finland conducts, coordinates and commissions evaluations of research with a view to improving both its performance and the quality and impact of Finnish science and research '"`UNIQ--ref-0000028C-QINU`"'. TENK provides annual training for advisers who are later appointed to research institutions to give advice concerning research integrity '"`UNIQ--ref-0000028D-QINU`"'. PhD programs at universities use online courses for the education on research integrity. There is also some training in research integrity for teachers at universities and universities of applied sciences regarding RI but it should be further developed and adapted in institutions '"`UNIQ--ref-0000028E-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ TENK’s annual training for research integrity advisers] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Academy of Finland] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Academy of Finland Awards - awards for outstanding researchers] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Millennium Technology Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-0000028F-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS) offers training to integrity officers (17)'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001A-QINU`"'. Documents for RI training used in France are: -[ European Code of Conduct] -[ National Charter for Research Integrity] -[ Signature of Scientific Publications: Good Practices (Inserm)] -[ Ethics and Scientific Integrity Charter] of the ANR -[ Integrity and responsibility in research practices (CNRS-CPU)] -[ Scientific integrity guideline (CNRS, 2018)] -[ Guide for collecting and processing reports relating to scientific integrity] There are also training courses in research ethics and integrity – the MOOC “Research Integrity in Research Professions” (18)'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001B-QINU`"' and the MOOC centered on research ethics, mainly intended for doctoral students. It was designed within the Research Ethics Platform of the University of Lyon (19)'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001C-QINU`"'. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The OFIS organizes the annual meeting of signatories of the French Charter of research deontology in which the universities and the other research institutions exchange policies, procedures and share their needs with OFIS (17)'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001D-QINU`"'. Lay press occasionally discusses research integrity. News is usually related to cases of research fraud and academic corruption (''Le Monde'' and ''Les Echos''). Public perception of science was shaken and diminished when several cases of research fraud were published in the media (20)'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001E-QINU`"'. This brought up an initiative by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to create the propositions for the implementation of the National Charter for the Research Integrity (21)'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001F-QINU`"'. The document “Overview and propositions of implementation of the charter” by Pierre Corvol was also presented in the press by the Minister of Higher Education and Research in 2016 (enrio creation of the French office for integrity in science). <u>RI incentives</u> The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) is administrative authority responsible for the evaluation of higher education institutions and research institutes. There are numerous awards and prizes for researchers. France also has the research tax credit (CIR) which supports business research and development activities by providing tax assistance (22)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000020-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Research integrity training for PhD students] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ OFIS training for research integrity officers] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres)] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Inserm Prizes] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ CNRS awards] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ FRM Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Sanofi-Pasteur Prizes] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The magazine La Recherche] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Institute of France prizes] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-00000021-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training</u> RCR-Greece has started to educate the Master’s students of two Greek Universities in Research Integrity by offering relevant lectures '"`UNIQ--ref-000001D8-QINU`"'. The Hellenic National Bioethics & Technoethics Commission and the Laboratory for the Research of Medical Law and Ethics organise seminars for postgraduate students of all the Schools of Positive and Theoretical Sciences, as well as professional lawyers, judges, doctors, educators and others. The seminars cover a wide range of critical issues including human reproduction, applications of genetics, clinical studies, euthanasia, cloning and nanotechnology. Moreover, the Commission is organising open, monthly seminars with various subjects including in vitro fertilization, gene therapy, medical errors, mental health etc. '"`UNIQ--ref-000001D9-QINU`"'. EARTHnet/NTUA has prepared and is organizing training courses on Research Ethics and Research Integrity for Postgraduate students and PhD candidates '"`UNIQ--ref-000001DA-QINU`"'. The courses have been customized for Engineers and graduates from Natural Sciences. The materials mainly used for RI trainings are: [ What I Know about Bioethics -National Bioethics Committee] (T. Vidalis, V. Mollaki) [ The University of the Aegean – Code of Conduct] [ The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Code of Conduct in Research] [ The University of Crete - Code of Ethics] [ The University of Thessaly - Ethics Code] [ The Athens University of Applied Sciences – Code of Ethics] [ The Technological Educational Institute of Crete – Code of Ethics] <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The members of EARTHnet work on the promotion of research ethics and research integrity and on raising awareness on issues regarding RE and RI. The network has 15 members, from universities and research institutions '"`UNIQ--ref-000001DB-QINU`"'. The [ Athens Science Festival] is organised since 2014 to bring closer science to the society. [ Thessaly Science Festival] aims to present high-quality research in Greece to the general public and explain complicated scientific subjects in fun and creative ways. Public awareness of research integrity needs to be boosted. The EARTHnet initiative works on the dissemination of its activities and promotion of research integrity through various newspapers '"`UNIQ--ref-000001DC-QINU`"'. Research integrity is occasionally discussed in press and is usually related to corruption or fraud. <u>RI incentives</u> There are several awards for outstanding and innovative researchers. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="604" | width="293" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="312" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="293" valign="top"|[ RCR-Greece trainings] | width="312" valign="top"|Training |- | width="293" valign="top"|[ Hellenic Republic National Bioethics Commission seminars] | width="312" valign="top"|Training |- | width="293" valign="top"|[ Hellenic Authority for Higher Education] | width="312" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="293" valign="top"|[ Bodossaki Foundation – Awards for Scientific Excellence] | width="312" valign="top"|Support |- | width="293" valign="top"|[ Prix Galien Award] | width="312" valign="top"|Support |- | width="293" valign="top"|[ Science Communication Awards –ΕΠΙ2] | width="312" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-000001DD-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> The National Forum has prepared several position papers and guideline documents to assist research institutions: - [ Research Integrity Officer Role and Reporting Structure] - [ Interface between Research Integrity and Research Ethics] - [ Guidelines for the Investigation of Misconduct in Research] Since January 2018, online research integrity training (commercial product) is available to researchers at every publicly funded higher education institution and government research institution in Ireland. The National Forum on Research Integrity has put this training in place '"`UNIQ--ref-00000048-QINU`"', initially for a three-year pilot which provided access to research integrity training for up to 15,000 researchers. The Forum has recently made arrangements to continue access to the training for a further three years (2021-2023), but now without limits on the number of researchers who can complete the training. The training has been fully updated to take into account the Irish context, and individual institutions can add details of their own policies and procedures if required. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> Research integrity is discussed in the lay press. The print media has given coverage to research integrity in the past number of years, both the positive and the negative '"`UNIQ--ref-00000049-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-0000004A-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-0000004B-QINU`"'. In 2020, Science Foundation Ireland made a report “Science in Ireland Barometer”, an analysis of the Irish public’s perceptions and awareness of STEM in society. According to the report, majority of the Irish public showed high level of trust in “science” (89%) and “scientists” (81%). The public had the strongest level of trust in “medical health professionals” (87%) and “scientists” (84%) compared to other Irish professionals '"`UNIQ--ref-0000004C-QINU`"'. <u>RI incentives</u> There are some programmes where researchers are encouraged to link their research with industry '"`UNIQ--ref-0000004D-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-0000004E-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-0000004F-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-00000050-QINU`"'. Some organisations in Ireland provide awards for researchers. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The National Forum for Research Integrity Training] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Quality and Qualifications Ireland] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Irish Research Council Researcher of the Year Awards] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Science Foundation Ireland Awards] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-00000051-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> No consistent training for all academia in this regard is provided; however, research ethics/integrity is encouraged to be taught for all doctoral students due to amended national regulation on doctoral studies '"`UNIQ--ref-00000054-QINU`"'. In addition to this, only a few initiatives are known. For example, Vilnius University offers General Competence Skills Training. The part of the training considers publication of scientific results and publication ethics as part of it '"`UNIQ--ref-00000055-QINU`"'. There was also an annual international conference ‘Shaping Ethics in Academia and Society’, organised during the period of 2016-2018, that served as an open arena for informal education of academia '"`UNIQ--ref-00000056-QINU`"'. Furthermore, the Office of the Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures annually delivers customized training. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The National Bioethics committee is responsible for coordination and methodological assistance to Hospital Ethics Committees and to Regional Biomedical Research Ethics Committees '"`UNIQ--ref-00000057-QINU`"'. The Committee organises annual meetings with regional ethics committees to discuss current issues regarding academic ethics and ethics in science in Lithuania '"`UNIQ--ref-00000058-QINU`"'. The Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures organises twice per year a meeting with Committees of Academic Ethics to discuss their concerns and issues, e.g., while handling allegations within their higher education institutions, implementing the Office’s/Ombudsperson’s recommendations and guidelines '"`UNIQ--ref-00000059-QINU`"'. Trust in Lithuanian public institutions is low due to corruptive practices. However, there is no evidence how the public perceives research integrity and whether they (mis)trust in science '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005A-QINU`"'. Nevertheless, academia’s knowledge on research ethics is yet to be developed '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005B-QINU`"'.   Within the period of 2013-2017, the news portal [] published around 40 press articles about ethical infringements. Regarding (self-)plagiarism, authorship, contract cheating, fraud and conflict of interest. <u>RI incentives</u> The Ministry of Education and Science has signed 15 agreements with Lithuanian associations, companies, various institutions and higher education institutions to support student internship model in companies and institutions. In order to encourage companies to employ (more) scientists, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in 2010 allocated EUR 17.4 million to support employment in enterprises '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005C-QINU`"'. Lithuania also offers Income Tax Relief for Investing in research and development '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005D-QINU`"'. There is also Baltic Bonus - a scheme created to promote cooperation between the three Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) to participate in joint projects of Horizon 2020 '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005E-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="342" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="409" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ General competence skills training] | width="409" valign="top"|Training |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC)] | width="409" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ The Lithuanian Academy of Science awards] | width="409" valign="top"|Support |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ Bank of Lithuania awards for scientific activities] | width="409" valign="top"|Support |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ Best PhD thesis awards by Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers] | width="409" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-0000005F-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> LARI provides research ethics and integrity training via the CAPRI (Creative Approaches Promoting Research Integrity) program. It also has a program of Peer Coaching which guides researchers in designing, conducting, recording, monitoring, auditing, analysis, and reporting of research '"`UNIQ--ref-0000031D-QINU`"'. Within its doctoral education framework, the University of Luxembourg organizes training courses aiming at acquiring Transferable Skills '"`UNIQ--ref-0000031E-QINU`"'. The offer in Transferable Skills training includes courses in research ethics in science and principles of good research practice as well as training activities aiming at increasing employability. Luxembourg Institute of Health has doctoral training and among others, it covers an area of good research practice. Moreover, the Institute of Health provides training and workshops for early staged researchers to help them develop skills for their future career '"`UNIQ--ref-0000031F-QINU`"'. LIST is committed to developing and implementing responsible, inclusive and sustainable research and innovation practices. LIST also promotes and applies fair and ethical business and administration practices. Formalised in the LIST Code of Ethics, these principles are the basis of assessing projects, plans, and practices in the organisation. LIST has set up an internal Ethics Committee to deal with ethical questions related to research, innovation and business activities. LIST supports its employees (researchers, engineers, PhD candidates, administrative and support staff) to consider ethics in their work and attitude, whatever their position in the organisation. Several research institutions have developed their guidelines for RE+RI training: [ National Policy on Open Access] [ The University of Luxembourg – Research Ethics Guidelines] [ The University of Luxembourg – Policy on Ethics in Research] [ The University of Luxembourg – Code of Conduct] [ The University of Luxembourg – Doctoral Education Agreement (DEA)] [ LARI - 10 Tips for Robust and Ethical Research] [ LARI Research Ethics FAQ] [ LARI Coach Handbook] [ FNR Policy on Open Access] [ FNR Research Integrity Guidelines] [ FNR Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct for Research Assessment] [ FNR National Quality Framework for Doctoral Training] [ LIST Code of Ethics] <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> There is a cooperation between various institutions for RE+RI in Luxembourg. The National Ethics Committee (CNER) cooperates with the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) which has one member attending the national ethics committee meeting as an observer. Also, members of CNER cooperate with LARI in the cases of research misconduct. LARI organises training courses for coaches at different research institutions '"`UNIQ--ref-00000320-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-00000321-QINU`"'. Through the Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, there has been strong support for research integrity, including “fostering a culture of the integrity of research.” Public trust in science in Luxembourg is high. Moreover, according to a 2011 EU competitiveness report, “the highest trust in science and technology can be found in Malta, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Norway” '"`UNIQ--ref-00000322-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="342" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="409" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ CAPRI program] | width="409" valign="top"|Training |- | width="342" valign="top"|[ LARI Peer Coaching] | width="409" valign="top"|Training |} '"`UNIQ--references-00000323-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training</u> Training exists as separate actions usually regarding open access and open science '"`UNIQ--ref-0000013D-QINU`"'. Many of the state universities offer courses on Professional Ethics at the graduate level that are designed by the faculties themselves '"`UNIQ--ref-0000013E-QINU`"'. The main resource for RE+RI training/implementation is [ European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity]. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The Academy of Sciences promotes collaboration among different research institutes and with different countries with bilateral and collaborative projects. This is done by the Centre for International Projects '"`UNIQ--ref-0000013F-QINU`"', previously a part of ASM, but now incorporated in the National Agency for Research and Development and responsible for implementing government policies in the fields of research and innovation. It also organizes the activities concerning participation in international research programmes '"`UNIQ--ref-00000140-QINU`"'. The Night of European Researchers is organised by the Academy of Sciences incollaboration with other research institutions to promote science among the young population and encourage them to pursue a scientific career '"`UNIQ--ref-00000141-QINU`"'. In November, the scientific community of the Republic of Moldova celebrates the Day of Science. This event is organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. Children and young people also participate in these events '"`UNIQ--ref-00000142-QINU`"'. Apart from that, the contest Science Slam serves as a platform for communication between people in science and innovation with the general public '"`UNIQ--ref-00000143-QINU`"'.  The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, in cooperation with the EUREKA International Association in 2018 organised EUREKA Info Day event. The EUREKA International Association is a platform for international cooperation in research, development, and innovation. The objective of the event is to inform the scientific community and the business environment of Moldova about the EUREKA cooperation framework, the activity of the program, how researchers and entrepreneurs can participate in the existing EUREKA actions, how to launch their own actions, and how to prepare and submit a successful project proposal '"`UNIQ--ref-00000144-QINU`"'.  The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, in collaboration with the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Association, organized the COST Info Day event in 2018 dedicated to the COST Information Day '"`UNIQ--ref-00000145-QINU`"'. The National Agency for Research and Development, the agency which is responsible for implementing government policies in the fields of research and innovation, also organizes Info days on HORIZON 2020 and promotes collaboration among different research institutes '"`UNIQ--ref-00000146-QINU`"'. As far as many public scandals involve high position researchers, the public perception of science and its role-results is more negative and pessimist than positive. Some research integrity aspects are discussed in media. Usually regarding high position personalities in research '"`UNIQ--ref-00000147-QINU`"'. <u>RI incentives</u> The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (NAQAER), established by the Government, implements state policies and contributes to the development oriented towards the best international standards in the areas of competence assigned: quality assessment in general, technical and higher professional education; external evaluation of continuous professional training programs; external evaluation of organizations in the fields of research and innovation; evaluation of the scientific and scientific-didactic staff and control over the quality of general, vocational and continuing education, compliance with the accreditation and authorization requirements of entities offering educational programs and services '"`UNIQ--ref-00000148-QINU`"'. Research integrity is not a part of institutional quality assessment at the research institutional level, but it is at the doctoral programs evaluation level. There are universities which have codes of academic integrity and this is part of their quality management. Also, the NAQAER elaborated a Guide to self-assessment report that includes performance criteria and indicators. One of them is the organization of the scientific research '"`UNIQ--ref-00000149-QINU`"'. The Government Excellence Scholarship and the Scholarship on scientific domains for PhD students who have achieved outstanding academic performance and actively participate in the social life of the institution are awarded annually by the Government of the Republic of Moldova '"`UNIQ--ref-0000014A-QINU`"'. There are research institutions offering special Grading of merits for stimulating scientific activity (based on performance). Also, annual awards for excellence in scientific research and didactic activity are offered by universities and institutes '"`UNIQ--ref-0000014B-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The National Award – Government of Republic of Moldova] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Youth Prize in Science, Technology, and Arts - The Ministry of Education and Youth (The Ministry of Education and Youth)] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Academy of Sciences Awards] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-0000014C-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training</u> Some elements of RI are a part of university educational programmes. There are some mandatory training courses for PhD students evaluated and monitored by universities.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004A-QINU`"' Materials used for these trainings are: [ European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity] translated into Dutch [ Responsible research data management and the prevention of scientific misconduct] by Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013) [ Van Der Heijden, P. F. (2010). Wetenschappelijke integriteit en de universiteit. In P. J. D. Drenth (Ed.), Wetenschappelijke integriteit (pp. 39–44). Amsterdam: KNAW.] [ Israel M., Drenth P. (2015) Research Integrity: Perspectives from Australia and Netherlands. In: Bretag T. (eds) Handbook of Academic Integrity. Springer, Singapore]. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The Netherlands Research Integrity Network (NRIN) enables sharing of experiences, exchange of knowledge and materials, mutual learning and intervision for several audiences via closed and open meetings. Closed meetings are intended for confidential counsellors and ombudsmen, or for chairs of research integrity investigation committees, whereas open meetings include research conferences and education seminar.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004B-QINU`"' In the Netherlands, different forms of communication take place concerning science knowledge. People can visit scientific museums like [ NEMO] science museum in Amsterdam. There are scientific festivals to visit like the [ Open science festival] in Amsterdam and also [ podcasts] about science are available. According to the results of 2012, 2015, 2018, and 2021 surveys on Dutch institutions, the public has the most trust in the scientific community. For example, the survey from 2021 showed that on a scale from 1 (absolutely no trust) to 10 (complete trust) the public trust in science was 7.4.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004C-QINU`"' Research integrity is occasionally discussed in the lay press. This is usually related to cases of research fraud and academic corruption. <u>RI incentives</u> There are rewards for collaborative science and incentives for networks. Ethics assessment is regulated by statutory organisations which are authorised to formulate policies for all public research institutes. An overarching body of legislation consists of the four codes that have been established by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), which are the codes on personal data, scientific integrity, animal experiments, and good governance.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004D-QINU`"' {| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Training courses for PhD students] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP)] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ NWO Spinoza Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ NWO Stevin Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-0000004E-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> The Research Ethics Act of 2017 imposes the responsibility of the research institutions to provide training in research ethics '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005B-QINU`"'.  FEK are not responsible for training as such. However, FEK has established several national initiatives related to training: -       A Research Ethics library containing articles and cases (including on research integrity) -       A yearly conference for teachers and people responsible for research integrity at the different institutions -       The secretariat for the Committees takes part in a wide range of teaching activities at different institutions '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005C-QINU`"'. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> NEM, NENT and NESH cooperate with GRU on the prevention of research misconduct, combining proactive teaching and advise on RE/RI with retroactive investigations of misconduct. NEK organises an annual two-day meeting for all its members. The aim of the meeting is professional replenishment and discussion '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005D-QINU`"'. It also organises open debate meetings on various research ethics topics '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005E-QINU`"'. REK organises one national conference per year for all members of all committees for networking purposes and for addressing issues of common interest. It also organises coordination meetings twice a year between the chairs of the committees and respective secretariats '"`UNIQ--ref-0000005F-QINU`"'.   According to the University and Higher Education Act, all universities and HE-institutions have a “third mission”. In addition to teaching and research – communicating research to the public and society at large '"`UNIQ--ref-00000060-QINU`"'. The Research Council of Norway promotes collaboration between research communities (18)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000061-QINU`"'. It also promotes translation of research findings to society by awarding researchers with the Award for Excellence in Communication of Science. This award is assigned to researchers who demonstrated outstanding communication of their research results and they put the effort into promoting research and research knowledge to society '"`UNIQ--ref-00000062-QINU`"'. The Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters usually organises 12 meetings, open for public, with topics covering the various academic fields '"`UNIQ--ref-00000063-QINU`"'. The Norwegian public trust in science is high. According to a survey conducted by Response Analysis for the Norwegian Bar Association, about 85% of Norwegians say that they have great confidence in researchers '"`UNIQ--ref-00000064-QINU`"'. Research integrity is often discussed in the lay press, usually about cases of research misconduct. There were also some publications regarding a national project named Research Integrity in Norway (RINO), which aimed to map the prevalence or research misconduct and questionable research practices in Norwegian universities, university colleges, and research institutes '"`UNIQ--ref-00000065-QINU`"'. In addition to national media, many universities have their own independent press covering research, i.e. [ Khrono], [ På høyden], [ Uniforum] and [ Universitetsavisa]. Another platform is [], initiated by the Norwegian Research Council in 2002. It is usually about cases of research misconduct. <u>RI incentives</u> The national funding system for research is partly based on performance-based incentives. This influences the research system as a whole. The Norwegian Research Council conducts national evaluations of disciplines and research fields, emphasizing quality, relevance and impact. This creates an awareness of different modes of communication, participation and impact. Institutions such as the Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters offer awards for research. There are also various incentives for collaboration of research and industry/business. Norwegian government promotes cooperation between national research and innovation and foreign companies, research institutions and scientists. The Research Council promotes cooperation between research and industry through various programmes and measures. An Industrial PhD programme was launched for enhancing cooperation and mobility between research and industry, increase research activity in the industry, and equip newly-educated researchers with knowledge of relevance to their company. The company receives a grant of 50% of the rates for doctoral fellowship for a period of three years or 37.5% of the rate for a period of 4 years with 75% research activity '"`UNIQ--ref-00000066-QINU`"'. 22 Centres for Research-Based Innovation (SFI) are established to enhance cooperation between research enterprises and research groups '"`UNIQ--ref-00000067-QINU`"'. Norwegian Innovation Clusters is a programme aimed to support activities in industrial business clusters composed of companies competing internationally '"`UNIQ--ref-00000068-QINU`"'. Norway provides R&D tax relief. Since 2020, the headline credit rate has been uniformed to 19% '"`UNIQ--ref-00000069-QINU`"'. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Secretariat for the National Research Ethics Committees] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Research Council of Norway] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Research Council Innovation Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Award for Excellence in Communication of Science] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Abel Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Kavli Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The Holberg Prize] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-0000006A-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> There is no mandate for RI training but some universities and institutions have integrated a module about research integrity in their existing program about research ethics (Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Barcelona, University of Oviedo and National University of Distance Education). Several members of the CSIC Ethics Committee give lectures regarding research integrity and responsible conduct of research. Research Ethics and Research Integrity have been included as topics in the CSIC Management Training Course aimed to CSIC’s Directors and Managers '"`UNIQ--ref-000000F1-QINU`"'. <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> In a Knowledge Transfer study 2010-2012, Spain positioning is about average (56%). Spain is one of the countries with a low level of innovation and weak knowledge translation policies '"`UNIQ--ref-000000F2-QINU`"'. Research Results Transfer Offices, that are part of each university, aim to promote and facilitate cooperation in Research and Development activities between researchers and companies '"`UNIQ--ref-000000F3-QINU`"'. The academic system is perceived corrupt. Academic corruption survey of 5,725 people who studied in 11 European countries showed the highest levels of perceived corruption in Ukraine and Spain '"`UNIQ--ref-000000F4-QINU`"'. Since 2002, the percentage of the population understanding science and technology as bringing more benefits than harms keeps growing every year '"`UNIQ--ref-000000F5-QINU`"'. The research integrity s occasionally discussed in the lay press. The most relevant newspapers at the national level (EL Pais and El Mundo) published several articles about cases of scientific misconduct in Spain. <u>RI incentives</u> Spain provides Research and Development tax relief through a hybrid tax credit and social security contributions exemption for qualified research staff. Both of these incentives are mutually exclusive in their use except for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises '"`UNIQ--ref-000000F6-QINU`"'.   {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="376" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="376" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ CSIC Management Training Course] | width="376" valign="top"|Training |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The National Accreditation Entity] | width="376" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="376" valign="top"|[ The National Research Award] | width="376" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-000000F7-QINU`"'  
<u>RI training </u> Some universities have special bodies that are responsible for the training and education in the field of ethics (e.g. at the University of Stockholm this is done by Ethics Council) '"`UNIQ--ref-000000D0-QINU`"'. Also, the Swedish National Data Service organises seminars, workshops, conferences, discussion forums and training events on data management, open access and laws and regulations, while the National Quality Registers at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Regional Register Centres and related stakeholders organise courses and conferences on Swedish national quality registers from a healthcare and research perspective '"`UNIQ--ref-000000D1-QINU`"'. The main resources for RE+RI training are: -       [ CODEX – Rules and Guidelines for Research] -       [ Good Research Practice] by the Swedish Research Council -       [ The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity] <u>RI dialogue and communication</u> The HEI in Sweden are all tasked to share and communicate their science and knowledge to the community. Many HEI organises different festivals, conferences and/or activities as part of this task. This also provide transparency and openness. Two examples of such arrangements are: The International Science Festival in Gothenburg is one of the most popular science festivals in Europe and the only one of its kind in Sweden. The aim of the Science Festival is to communicate science to schools and the general public and provide a meeting place for the research community. The goal is to provide more knowledge and positive attitude to science and research, as well as to encourage people to engage in higher education studies '"`UNIQ--ref-000000D2-QINU`"'. SciFest at the University of Uppsala organised for teachers, students, researchers and representatives from companies. The festival is composed as a three-day educational experience with interactive demonstrations, various activities, and shows. It aims to bring closer science and the general public '"`UNIQ--ref-000000D3-QINU`"'. Research integrity is occasionally discussed in the lay press. It is mostly related to cases of research misconduct '"`UNIQ--ref-000000D4-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-000000D5-QINU`"'. <u>RI incentives</u> Sweden offers awards and prizes to researchers. {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | width="531" valign="top"|'''Initiatives''' | width="220" valign="top"|'''Scope''' |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ Swedish National Data Service (BAS online training)] | width="220" valign="top"|Training |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ Swedish National Data Service and the Swedish School of Library and Information Science/University of Borås (Research Data: Access, Management, and Collaboration course)] | width="220" valign="top"|Training |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ Swedish Higher Education Authority] | width="220" valign="top"|Accreditation |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ The Nobel Prize] | width="220" valign="top"|Support |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ The Lennart Nilsson Award]  | width="220" valign="top"|Support |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ The L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science Sweden Prize] | width="220" valign="top"|Support |- | width="531" valign="top"|[ The Torsten Wiesel Midnight Sun Award] | width="220" valign="top"|Support |} '"`UNIQ--references-000000D6-QINU`"'  
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