SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on defining and preventing unjustified interferences from funders, political and commercial actors
From The Embassy of Good Science
SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on defining and preventing unjustified interferences from funders, political and commercial actors
What is this about?
The recommendations in this guideline concern what measures research funding organizations can take to define unjustified interferences, ensuring transparency and integrity in their procedures, and preventing unjustified interferences by funders themselves, political, and commercial actors.
Why is this important?
Independence and the avoidance of unjustifiable interference are key considerations to address in creating a Research Integrity Promotion Plan for research funders. Independence and transparency in the research and funding process are ultimately about the integrity and trustworthiness of research outputs and are, therefore, vital for the research funder to uphold and protect. This guideline provides key recommendations to guide and empower research funders as they work to develop or enhance their own governance frameworks and Research Integrity Promotion Plans. The guideline concerns unjustifiable interferences, by which we mean any financial, professional, or other interests of any stakeholder involved, that might negatively influence a decision or be affected by the outcome of a decision. The recommendations in this guideline concern what measures research funding organizations can take to define unjustified interferences, ensuring transparency and integrity in their procedures, and preventing unjustified interferences by funders themselves, political, and commercial actors. The guideline was designed to provide inspiration and best practice examples on areas that may be considered when setting up Research Integrity Promotion Plans. The guideline should not be seen as a ‘one-size-fits-all’, but rather as a tool that can be used flexibly and adapted to meet users’ specific needs.