Responsible Research: Recommendations of the Institute of Science and Technology, Austria

From The Embassy of Good Science

Responsible Research: Recommendations of the Institute of Science and Technology, Austria

What is this about?

The Institute of Science and Technology, Austria is a government-established research institution that organized and encourages both research in basic sciences and the dissemination of research results. Being a prominent PhD granting organization, the IST emphasizes the need for ethical research and upholding good scientific practices. Every researcher is required to respect the standards of good scientific practice set by the OeAWI (link under "related to" section). In addition, they also provide contact details of ombudspersons responsible for research ethics and good scientific practices.

Why is this important?

As a leading research institute in Austria, the IST aims to contribute excellent basic sciences research to advance social and technological progress. Therefore, it is essential that all scholarly inquiry is performed in a reliable, reproducible and ethical way. By explicitly asking all researchers and staff to adhere to good scientific practices, they set the tone for integrity and transparency in research. This webpage is also useful for researchers looking for more information, as it provides links to the OeAWI guidelines and details of research ethics officers.

For whom is this important?

What are the best practices?

- Following the OeAWI guidelines on Good Scientific Practice

- Scientific record-keeping
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