SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on the selection and evaluation of proposals
From The Embassy of Good Science
SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on the selection and evaluation of proposals
What is this about?
This resource contains a specific guideline for Research Funding Organizations focusing on the selection and evaluation of proposals. This guideline focuses on promoting research integrity practices during the granting process.
Why is this important?
These guidelines address research funding organizations with the aim to give them general recommendations on how to responsibly select and evaluate proposals. They address how to tackle research integrity, methodological, and diversity and inclusion considerations during the funding proposal selection and evaluation process. While research funders already have established procedures for selecting and evaluating proposals, these guidelines can serve as inspiration to help research funders develop internal procedures that specifically address research integrity and quality considerations in their selection and evaluation process. The guidelines can also help funders develop external guidelines to inform beneficiaries of their expectations towards them. Consideration of research integrity and quality in funders’ grant selection and evaluation process plays a crucial role in incentivizing responsible research, and thereby fostering research integrity. These guidelines were designed to provide inspiration and best practice examples on areas that may be considered when setting up Research Integrity Promotion Plans. The guidelines should not be seen as a ‘one-size-fits-all’, but rather as tools that can be used flexibly and adapted to meet users’ specific needs.