Guidance for implementation of ethics and integrity training
From The Embassy of Good Science
Guidance for implementation of ethics and integrity training
What is this about?
The document is the result of participant discussions during the 5th meeting of the ETHICS AND RESEARCH INTEGRITY OFFICER NETWORK (ERION) within the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA).
The theme of the meeting was ‘Implementation of training programmes for researchers in Ethics and Research Integrity’. Participants discussed in small groups best practices and key elements for the implementation of training programmes for researchers in Ethics and Research Integrity.
ERION is an open community to discuss the practical and implementation side of Research Ethics and Integrity. The community is for all those that need to ensure compliance, efficiency, functionality, fairness and robustness in the practices and processes in their organisation. Such people may have titles as Ethics/Integrity Officer, Administrator and many others.Why is this important?
The report is a guidance document for research integrity and ethics practionners in academia. It identifies the key themes that lead to good practices and essential principles for an effective and successful approach to training. The report focuses on a hands-on approach with a checklist to help create an effective ethics and research integrity training programme and provides links to relevant resources that help build that training.