SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on monitoring funded projects
From The Embassy of Good Science
SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on monitoring funded projects
What is this about?
The guidelines on monitoring of funded projects address research funding organizations with the aim to give them general recommendations on how to monitor the execution of research grants with regards to scientific, research integrity and financial aspects.
Why is this important?
The guidelines on monitoring of funded projects address research funding organizations with the aim to give them general recommendations on how to monitor the execution of research grants with regards to scientific, research integrity and financial aspects. Most research funding organizations already have policies on monitoring funded projects; however, these guidelines can serve as inspiration to help research funders develop internal guidelines about the entire monitoring process, as well as external guidelines to inform beneficiaries of funders’ expectations towards them. The monitoring process can help research funders and governmental institutions to think about the structural problems that make compliance difficult for the beneficiaries. These guidelines were designed to provide inspiration and best practice examples on areas that may be considered when setting up Research Integrity Promotion Plans. The guidelines should not be seen as a ‘one-size-fits-all’, but rather as tools that can be used flexibly and adapted to meet users’ specific needs.