Simultaneous Submission Leading to Duplicate Publication

From The Embassy of Good Science

Simultaneous Submission Leading to Duplicate Publication

What is this about?

All medical journals require submission of a contributors’ form signed by all the authors declaring that “Neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under my/our authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere.” It seems that sometimes authors do not read the declaration thoroughly or perhaps understand the implications of signing it[1]. This is a factual case.

  1. Bhandarkar, Deepraj. "Simultaneous submission leading to duplicate publication: Scientific misconduct rears its ugly head." Journal of minimal access surgery 9.4 (2013): 147.

Why is this important?

The practice of simultaneous submission is considered a violation of medical publishing ethics and is frowned upon for several reasons[1]

  1. Bhandarkar, Deepraj. "Simultaneous submission leading to duplicate publication: Scientific misconduct rears its ugly head." Journal of minimal access surgery 9.4 (2013): 147.

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