Sabotage and the Federal Definition of Research Misconduct

From The Embassy of Good Science

Sabotage and the Federal Definition of Research Misconduct

What is this about?

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) found in 2011 that a postdoctoral researcher who sabotaged a colleague’s research materials, was found guilty of misconduct[1]. This paper discusses definitions of scientific misconduct and its implications with the example of a factual case. It is discussed whether the definition of research misconduct used to assess the case may be seen as appropriate and what possible alternative definitions may be.

  1. Rasmussen, Lisa M. "The case of Vipul Bhrigu and the federal definition of research misconduct." Science and engineering ethics 20.2 (2014): 411-421.

Why is this important?

This article and the discussed case highlight the importance of a concise and comprehensive definition of research misconduct in order to assure a proper handling of respective accusations. The case described may be seen exemplary of the implications a definition of research misconduct may have.

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