Show Me The Money!
From The Embassy of Good Science
Show Me The Money!
What is this about?
The case focuses on a conflict of interests and responsible conduct of research. A senior laboratory researcher with some hidden financial interests in a drug company conducts research sponsored by the same company appointing a post-doctoral fellow as a principal investigator in the project. A series of questions are listed to support group discussion or individual reflection on the ethical isssues.
Why is this important?
Financial conflict of interests (COI) are prevalent in the contemporary research environments. COI could cause muliple harms, corrode public trust and decrease the reliabilty of scientific knowledge. It is important for researchers to raise awarness on COI, increase transparency and learn how to manage potential conflict of interests in research settings.
For whom is this important?
Early career researchersEducatorsGraduate and postgraduate studentsLaboratory researchersSenior researchersPrincipal investigators