Using Learning Cards to teach Research Ethics and Integrity

From The Embassy of Good Science

Using Learning Cards to teach Research Ethics and Integrity

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
Related Initiative
This module  introduces a collection of learning cards developed by the EU funded initiative Path2Integrity, which can be used as an interactive tool to teach research ethics and integrity.
Duration (hours)
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What is this about?

This module  introduces a collection of learning cards developed by the EU funded initiative Path2Integrity. Learning cards are an engaging, interactive tool designed to teach ethics and research integrity by fostering critical thinking and discussion. These tools present real-life scenarios, dilemmas, or guiding questions that challenge learners to apply ethical principles, encouraging collaborative problem-solving and reflection on best practices in research conduct.

The following training material can be used within and/or outside the academic environment.

Practical Tips

We recommend that trainers and teachers define the needs and skill level of the group to be trained before selecting the material to be used. This is due to the fact that the career stage often does not reflect the level of skills and competences in terms of research ethics and integrity.

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