Practical Tips
We recommend that trainers and teachers define the needs and skill level of the group to be trained before selecting the material to be used. This is due to the fact that the career stage often does not reflect the level of skills and competences in terms of research ethics and integrity.
Target audience: Master and bachelor students, doctoral students and early career researchers
The developed by the
http://virt/ project presents a modified version of the developed by Erasmus University Rotterdam. This exercise supports participants in identifying research integrity principles, virtues and questionable research practices in a hypothetical case. It provides a framework to consider, choose and defend alternative courses of action regarding realistic research integrity dilemmas.
Target audience: Doctoral students and early career researchers, Senior researchers and RERI experts
The EnTIRE project created eight scenarios on The
Embassy of Science, each of which presented a fictitious story along with eight distinct themes. The purpose of each of the eight scenarios is to provide RECs, research administrators, researchers, and researchers with the opportunity to concentrate their attention on the fundamental ideas and research settings that support both local regulations and practices and effective research practices. The scenarios developed are the following:
Research Procedures and Research Integrity;
Collaborative Working Between Academia and Industry;
Data Practices, Data Management and FAIR Principles;
Publication, Dissemination and Research Integrity;
Research Environments and Research Integrity;
Reviewing, Evaluating, Editing and Research Integrity;
Training, Supervision and Mentoring with Integrity;
Safeguards, Data-sharing and the Disclosure of Sensitive Results.
Target audience: Senior researchers and RERI experts
The case studies developed by ENERI address themes that
research integrity and
research ethics experts deal with as well as
comprehensive and overlapping issues involving both integrity and ethics related considerations. These include: good scientific practice, questionable research practices, research misconduct, responsible authorship, peer review, and whistleblowing, ethics review, the protection of human rights, the safety of clinical trials, informed consent procedures, research with participants unable to consent, and the protection of animals, data management and data protection, open data sharing, open access, transparency, fairness, reliability and credibility, and conflicts of interest. While RECs and RIOs are key actors in facilitating research ethics and integrity, there may be countries that lack infrastructure as well as training opportunities for actors in related key positions. A specific section focusing on the
development of proper infrastructure is also present.