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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- First Insubria International School in Methodology, Ethics and Integrity in Biomedical Science
- Reusing Biopsy Material in New Publications, Image Manipulation and Fraudulent Research Protocols
- Ten journals denied 2020 Impact Factors because of excessive self-citation or “citation stacking”
- Data acquisition
- Research Integrity in trying times: a scenario on the presentation and dissemination of information
- Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Responsibilities
- Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine
- Is there a reproducibility crisis in science?
- Frauds and misconduct in scientific research: a harsh lesson from the pandemic
- Dutch psychology fraudster avoids trial
- Carlo Croce: data falsification and other scientific misconduct
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity - 2017 Edition
- Research Reproducibility
- Mentoring: time constraints
- Top 10 tips for robust & ethical research
- Kairos – A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy
- Organizing Academic Research Papers: Limitations of the Study
- Guidance for implementation of ethics and integrity training
- SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on monitoring funded projects
- Plagiarism, Voluntary Settlement Agreements and Public Health Service Grants
- Improving the informed consent process-a booklet on participants' rights in medical research
- The Hazardous Consent Forms
- Oviedo Convention
- Author misconduct: Not just the editors' responsibility
- Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency-Enabling Technologies forPublic Administrations
- Czech Code of Ethics for Researchers
- European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Standards of Conduct
- VIRT2UE train-the-trainer program
- The rector who resigned after plagiarizing a student’s PhD thesis
- Test
- Fraud, errors and gamesmanship in experimental toxicology: Extasy
- Public Health Practice vs Research
- Hiding A Suspect
- Handling self-admissions of fraud
- The Epistemic Integrity of Scientific Research
- Attempting to Assure Accuracy
- ENRIO Collection
- Authorship in scholarly manuscripts: practical considerations for resident and early career physicians
- Application of a sensemaking approach to ethics training in the physical sciences and engineering
- The Threat to Scientific Integrity in Environmental and Occupational Medicine
- A Case Series in Publication Ethics: Disputes in Authorship (2)
- What's in That Bottle? What's in That Pipe?
- The Danish National Research Foundation Act
- CIOMS International guidelines on good governance practice for research institutions
- The Dublin City University's Code of Good Research Practice
- Law on Science and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania
- Image manipulation as a general practice
- Fraudulent algorithm: A pain too deep for adequate analgesia
- NTU (Nanyang Technological University) Research Integrity Policy
- History, Ethics and the Presidential Commission on Research in Guatemala