Title (Instruction Step Title)
From The Embassy of Good Science
Thanks +
Acknowledgements +
Divide tasks +
Support trainees in reflecting on how to facilitate the exercises +
Practice (parts of) the exercises again +
Address doubts and questions +
The movie fragment +
Prepare a list of topics and activities +
Organise +
Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise)) +
Introduction +
Train 10 researchers in the VIRT2UE approach +
Virtue Ethics & Research Integrity +
Cognitive Dissonance & Moral Distress in Research +
Three levels of Research Integrity +
Three levels of Research Integrity +
Virtue Ethics & Research Integrity +
Virtues & Norms +
The concept of research integrity explained +
Roles and responsibilities in supervision and mentoring +
Roles and responsibilities in supervision and mentoring +